Thursday, May 9, 2019

Roger Stone and Legal Team: Want Full Un-redacted Mueller Report for His Defense

Wants to Show Mueller Lied About Him & WikiLeaks
(I suspect the truth is the opposite, Roger)

Mueller un-redacted report … Trump and Barr want to block from Congress, but this major story has another side, too.


Today, Judge Amy Berman Jackson (who Stone insulted once before) and who is presiding over the upcoming trial of Roger Stone, ordered the DOJ (Barr's office) to submit the complete, un-redacted Russia report of special counsel Robert Mueller for her to review.

Jackson’s filing states that she will review the evidence to determine whether to comply with Stone’s lawyers’ demand to review the Mueller report themselves, in an attempt to bolster their defense.

My 2 cents: Stone and his lawyers have has no legal right to see the un-redacted report before either Congress or the public. 

Stone is a criminal right alongside Trump et al in this whole mess and yes, it is a legal nightmare.

The crisis just went up a notch. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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