Friday, August 30, 2019

Jeanine Pirro on FOX: Truth Telling is Not Her Strong Point or Forté for that Matter

Her Fox on-air face seen by most viewers
(Loud, out of control, BS-ing)

This story appeared on FOX News from a Media Matters report here (an audio of the below verbal exchange also is at the site) with this headline:

Fox host Jeanine Pirro pushes white supremacist
“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory

Echoing the El Paso shooter, Pirro says to Fox Nation host Todd Starnes: It is a plot to remake America, to replace American citizens with illegals who will vote for the Democrats.”

(Insert: That conspiracy theory explained here – worth reading).

TODD STARNES (FOX NATION HOST):I've often wondered, who do they hate more. Do they hate Donald Trump or do they hate the people who put him into office?”

JEANINE PIRRO (FOX NEWS HOST):Well, they hate Donald Trump. He's the one they want to get rid of —”

STARNES:I see, (he said softly in the background).

PIRRO: “— because people like you and me who put him into office, their plan and their plot to remake America is to bring in the illegals, change the way the voting occurs in this country, give them licenses. They get to vote, maybe once, maybe twice, maybe three times, and you've got motor voter registration on the day of the election. You've got people with — we’ve got voter rolls that haven't been purged of dead people in years where the Democrats have resisted that. Think about it. It is a plot to remake America, to replace American citizens with illegals that will vote for the Democrats.”

Note: She was in essence hawking her book as Starnes alluded to during the interview.

Hawking her book and spewing conspiracy BS 
at the same time

Pirro’s background: On February 23, 1999, her husband was indicted by SDNY on one count of conspiracy, four counts of tax evasion, and 28 counts of filing a false tax return for hiding over $1 million in personal income as business expenses for 1988 and 1997.

On that day, Pirro appeared with him at a joint press conference in response to the charges, criticizing the investigation as “…invasive and hostile.” 

Also, at that same time, NY Gov. George Pataki (R) released a statement saying that the Pirro’s had been personal friends for “a long time and that he and his wife wished them well.”  

The trial was conducted from May 15, 2000 to June 19, 2000, then the jury found Pirro's husband guilty on June 23, 2000 on 23 of the charges brought against him and not guilty of 10 others. 

In November 2000, he was sentenced to 29 months in a minimum security federal prison but received some leniency in exchange for waiving his right to appeal. 

In the midst of the trial, Pirro attacked the prosecution for bringing up matters which involved her, calling it a “desperate attempt by them to bring me into this wherever they can.”  

Later, Pirro and her husband separated in 2007 and their divorce was finalized in 2013.

My 2 cents: Fox should show some decency and journalistic leadership and get rid of Pirro – she is disgusting to spew crap over the public airwaves and not held to account with the blatant lies she spews above with zero evidence or one ounce of proof of her allegations – so, why not? 

Simple: She is flat out wrong and in my view a total wack-job.

I say to Fox: Step up and do your public service that you brag about – get rid of Jeanine Pirro. 

Will they? Highly unlikely. We shall see.

Thanks for stopping by.

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