Thursday, August 8, 2019

Trump's Praise Machine: Used by Cabinet & Staff Without Exception or Get Canned

Trump's Original Cabinet (c. 2017)
(75% now gone and forgotten)

Carl Cameron well-known TV face spent more than two decades at Fox News as one of the network’s political correspondents. He called it quits in 2017 and now, as he embarks on non-Fox project, he dishes on them about why he left saying in part:

It’s about facts, not partisanship. I was one of Fox’s first hires. The idea of “Fair and Balanced” appealed to me, but over the years, right wing hosts drowned out straight journalism with partisan misinformation.”

Cameron also:

·       Called out Trump as a “con man.”
·       He said in fact that Trump colluded with Russia.
·       Then he then warned that America is facing a “state of emergency.”

My 2 cents: Fox turning on Trump is startling on the face of it since Fox is Trump’s go-to network – he hawks them, get plenty of free airtime, and helps with Trump numbers with their viewing polls.

Plus, over 75% of Trump’s appointees are gone – his cabinet – all that remains are ass-kissing lackeys who have praise and fluff him daily or else “out the door with Trump’s foot squarely up their behinds -  proven fact (note cabinet photo above.

Historically as seen in is short video from Trump’s first cabinet meeting (2017) showing a sample that well-oiled praise machine that must be used daily (get other barf bag before watching):

During his first cabinet meeting June 2017

Thanks for stopping by.

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