Friday, October 11, 2019

For Trump and Giuliani Wise Advice: Your Ukraine S-Hole is Deep Just Stop Digging

New Criminal Dual: Dirty and Dirtiest

This update comes from various sources: Business Insider,  The NY Times, The Week, and Esquire:

·       Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, was paid “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to work for Ukrainian-American Lev Parnas at his fraud prevention firm “Fraud Guarantee,”  The New York Times reports.
·       Giuliani told The Times that he provided legal and business advice to Parnas.
·       Both Parnas and an associate Igor Fruman were charged with campaign finance violations, according to the unsealed indictment. The men have also been called to testify in the House impeachment inquiry against Trump but declined and were taken into FBI custody at Dulles International both holding one-way tickets out of the country – then indicted.
·       The Trump impeachment inquiry has been sparked by a whistleblower complaint, which alleged that Trump “abused his power for personal gain” during a July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, and he pressed him to investigate former Vice President and 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
·       Giuliani publicly stated multiple times that he pushed Ukrainian officials to investigate the Bidens ahead of the 2020 election.

My 2 cents: Obviously is this story is not complete as Rudy Gee and the President keep digging this hole deeper and deeper to what end – who knows. 

Stay tuned for updates for sure.

Thanks for stopping by.

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