Monday, November 11, 2019

Trump Paradise Well-Funded and Supported: Thanks Mr. and Mrs. GOP Sycophants

Trump property (one of many) supported by GOP

An interesting yet very troublesome story from The Hill and should be of major to everyone (minus the Trump loyalists that is):

Background leading to the story that follows:

In 2017, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) campaign dropped $281 at Trump’s hotel in Las Vegas. The following year, the Iowa Republican Party paid $945 for rooms at a Trump resort in Miami. Four months later, “Protect the House, which funnels money to House Republicans, spent $154,500 to rent out part of the Trump hotel in Washington.

In total, nearly 200 campaigns and political groups — virtually all conservative — have spent more than $8 million at President Donald Trump’s resorts and other businesses since his election in 2016.

But, that wasn’t the case before Trump got into politics. For example:

Between 2012 and 2014, campaigns and political groups spent a combined $69,000 at Trump businesses.

But since June 2015, when Trump announced he was running for the White House, political spending at the president’s properties has topped $19 million. Some of the initial surge was related to the Trump campaign’s using a Trump company plane during the 2016 election, but much of the uptick comes from conservative candidates and groups.

More from Politico reporting:  The Trump Organization has become a haven for Republican groups hosting political events and fundraisers, an informal arrangement that directly financially benefits the president.

The amount reported by Politico represented a sharp increase in revenue from political sources for the Trump Organization, which received just under $70,000 in total from such groups in the two years leading up to his campaign announcement. 

As noted above, since that announcement in June of 2015, the amount has ballooned to $19 million, with $8 million having been spent at Trump resorts and properties since Trump won the 2016 election. The highest level was in 2016, when nearly $12 million in total political spending occurred at Trump businesses that year.

Democrats and critics of the administration have long argued that the president's financial arrangements, namely his decision to not sell his businesses before taking office, violate the constitution's Emoluments Clause prohibiting gifts to members of the federal government. 

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) of the House Oversight Committee told Politico:President Trump has perfected the financial shakedown of seeking political influence as a way of life. This is now standard operating procedure in Washington. It's pay-to-play all day.”

My 2 cents: I note, naturally from the4 article that “a White House spokesperson responded to Politico's report with a statement saying that Trump has no involvement in the day-to-day operations of his old company.”

What a crock yet typical GOP and White House BS statement and stance and that is to protect Trump at all costs and folks, it costs plenty. As far as Trump goes he asks where is the nearest bus to toss someone under and act like Sgt. Schultz in “Hogan’s Heroes” …

 Thanks for stopping by.

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