Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Rudy Gee: Lost With New Impeachment Defense "So What If Trump Did It?"

Goofiest man in America – hands down – no contest
(Alias: Rudolph William Louis Giuliani)

Rudy Gee is off the deep end of a short pier, and in many ways like the crazy old Uncle locked away upstairs walking back and forth all day with nothing else to do.

Case in point from Bloomberg: – Slowly but perceptibly, the Trump administration is moving towards a concrete defense in the president’s Senate impeachment trial: Not that Donald Trump didn’t pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden, but that he did — and that there’s nothing wrong with it.

The latest indication of this direction comes from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who in a couple of press interviews has acknowledged his role in advising President Trump to arrange the firing of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, because Giuliani believed she stood in the way of getting those investigations.

If Trump wanted to focus on the impeachment defense that there was no quid pro quo and that he innocently asked for the investigations in order to fight corruption, then it would be genuinely crazy for his personal lawyer to reveal the specifics of how and what he communicated to the president.

Giuliani’s statements are terribly harmful to Trump’s case — and he has now effectively waived attorney-client privilege, so he could be called to testify.

Of course Giuliani could just be crazy, a loose cannon making statements deeply detrimental to one possible line of defense his client might want to use in his Senate trial. But it seems more likely that Giuliani is foreshadowing Trump’s future defense.

To see why Giuliani’s interviews are only sane if Trump is planning a “so what” defense, consider how damaging the revelations are to the alternate defense that Trump was seeking to fight corruption, not achieve personal gain.

Possibly Giuliani’s co-nitwit conspirator in this unfolding GOP Senate-packed forthcoming “trial” none other than the current Attorney General:

Self-evident based on their public statements

My 2 cents: Who story continues at the Bloomberg site.

To me this is clearly an open and shut case. Now we will see who the GOP senators really stand with: Justice, the public or Donald J. Trump?

Thanks for stopping by.

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