Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Trump and GOP: Spreading Disinformation in High Gear and Historically Unmatched

Disinformation Method and Trail is Simple Path
(Why do so many keep falling for it)

A very timely topic for honest discussion:

The media deserves some blame for hyping stories for ratings and income – a fact, but few of them pass false news and such with malice or overt intent. 

Mostly, they do provide good, factual information and yes, sometimes they provide misinformation – which most media will correct – not all but many will admit gross errors.

But, what this contrast?

Misinformation: Information that is placed by a simple mistake not covertly and not with malice, intent, or purpose.
Disinformation: Information that is purposely placed with the full intent to cause harm, disruption, distrust, and chaos. Mostly in modern times used to covertly disrupt or topple established governments, competing political systems around the globe for self-interests and for political, military, financial, or more devious purposes.

Let’s be clear: The Russians are skilled masters at using and spreading disinformation.

Background: Disinformation is actually the English transliteration of the Russian word: дезинформация (dezinformatsiya) which was derived from the former KGB’s “black propaganda department handbook.”

That handbook: Disinformation to see it click here shows and documents how Joseph Stalin coined the term, even giving it a French-sounding name and falsely claiming it had Western origin, itself a false statement.
Precise Russian use of the word began with in the old Soviet Union’s “Special Disinformation Office” in 1923, during Stalin's reign.

Another example: Operation INFEKTION (Operation: Infection) also was an old Soviet disinformation campaign to influence opinion that said the U.S. had invented and spread AIDS.

Ironically, the U.S. did not actively counter disinformation until around 1980, when a fake document reported that the U.S. supported apartheid and moved us into counter-action.

Presently: Trump has mastered both angles and has his whole adult life. He knows the differences between the two even though in most cases his loyalists may or may not. He thrives on his supporters and their loyalty coupled with their ignorance and trust for his lies, deceit, and “fake news” (and other insulting labels) while accusing others of that very technique (deflecting it all away from himself).
It is a great masterful skill of Trump, but in a very dangerous and destructive way. Trump loyalists don't care, and that is the most-dangerous part of all. That is the precise aim and goal of disinformation – I doubt many see that point.
Like the solution to a giant jigsaw puzzle lacking one crucial piece, disinformation authoritatively provides the missing dimension that makes the chaos of the modern world finally understandable.
Disinformation campaign can work only if the seemingly independent Western press accepts intentionally fabricated lies and presents them to the public as truth.
My 2 cents: So, in a nutshell, disinformation manipulates citizens and seeks to undermine their trust in their democratic systems. 

But, for example, the EU is taking some concrete steps against false news that is designed to destabilize European democracies outlined in this article

Now all across our own country that is precisely what we see and hear today, e.g., Ukraine helped Trump in 2016 NOT Russia

It’s mostly via right wing radio, TV, and a lot of print, and that line favors both Trump and Putin. On top of this is Trump’s constant ranting about our own media being “fake news, hoax stories, witch hunts, and liberal bias – all planted just to harm him.  

Then it catches on because of his constant reinforcement with many outlets backing him, i.e., FOX mostly leads in that category.

Now, and sadly, more and more Republicans in congress sing that same tune copying Trump's line.

Imagine how our intelligence agency officials feel when they hear that their work is now degraded about 2016 and Russia, a well-known fact now peddled by Trump, et al as it was Ukraine not Russia.

Trump supporters mostly and very strongly dislike any DEM or their past policy just because Trump says so and tell them to believe him.

He then repeats that line and they cheer his disinformation campaign as if it were true: Mission accomplished. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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