Monday, December 30, 2019

Trump's Senate Trial: Rule Maker Sen. "Moscow Mitch" McConnell Prejudged Juror

Impeachment Trial: Cut and Dried Says McConnell
(BTW: Moscow Mitch is very apropos)

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is playing politics (surprise, surprise, surprise).

All that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) asked was for the rules so she could comply and assign “House managers who will act as prosecutors after they officially deliver the two articles of impeachment just like was done under the rules for Bill Clinton’s senate trial – nothing more, nothing less.”

Which BTW were the same kind of GOP rules approved in 1998.

This is dirty tricks by McConnell and everyone know is except his sycophants.

He also wants to ensure Trump is off the hook and stays close to Putin regarding this major story headlines from The Week:

Recent this from the Washington Post: What is McConnell's end-game?

More here, too:

More background why the nickname “Moscow Mitch” started and now sticks:

Robert Mueller testified about his report, in which he had meticulously documented the extent of Russian interference in our election system and said it still continues and will be worse than 2016. His report included, but was not limited to, “active measures that stoked and catalyzed preexisting divisions in the U.S.”

McConnell blocked the bills one day after Mueller appeared before House committees and reiterated how his 448-page report found the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election. Mueller also warned that Russia is planning to interfere in the 2020 election “as we sit here.”

Later, the Senate Intelligence Committee revealed that Russia had also been poking around in all 50 state election systems. While there is no evidence of direct tampering, the entire intelligence community believes the goal is to familiarize themselves with our election infrastructure in order to trigger future and more material interference.

Mueller also documented multiple attempts by Russian operatives to coordinate with the Trump campaign officials. That exposed a gap previously governed by norms, i.e., there is no formal requirement for a presidential candidate to abstain from and/or report to authorities these outreach efforts.

So, Congress put three bills to a vote and the House passed them with a goal of addressing some of these concerns. Provisions would protect Senators and staffers from hackers and, more importantly require campaigns to report foreign entities interfering in any election.

McConnell blocked those efforts on the basis that he rejects the aforementioned information as either conspiratorial or undermined by the 2018 midterm elections.

From CBS News: McConnell over the summer blocked two House-approved measures to protect elections, despite warnings that Russia intends to meddle in the 2020 race. One bill would have set aside $775 million for state election security and require paper ballot to avoid digital disruptions.

Another would have required candidates, their family and campaign staff to tell federal authorities if they are offered help from a foreign government — something President Trump said he'd be ready to accept.
Weeks before the 2016 election, but McConnell refused to join a bipartisan statement warning about Russia's election interference after he had been briefed on it. 

My 2 cents: How can anyone in KY or in the Senate condone any of McConnell’s actions? It defies gravity itself to do so.

He may lose his KY seat to woman retired fighter pilot – and boy I hope he does … for the good of KY, the Senate, and nation as a whole. 

He has to go since he has surely now gone too far with his stance on the upcoming impeachment trial – which he does not want to last long or even start if he gets his way and he must not.

Thanks for stopping by.

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