Sunday, January 26, 2020

Trump's Pledge Drain the Swamp: His Deeper than the Mariana Trench and Darker

Gets High Praise from Client Donald J. Trump:
(Greatest crime fighter; Him on my side great honor; 
Greatest Mayor in NY history)

Update on the sustained and center piece of Trump’s impeachment is this Trump-Giuliani / Burisma Joe and Hunter Biden conspiracy seen in this update from Newsweek:
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro on her recent Saturday show (Jan 25, 2020) repeatedly pressed Rudy Giuliani, questioning why he has not yet revealed “evidence he has claimed to have showing alleged corruption by former Vice President Joe Biden.”
She posed question to Giuliani and he has claimed to have the “evidence” and he insisted he'd already revealed what he knew of Biden's alleged corruption, saying to her:Joe Biden has been a big crook for most of his career. Every time Biden was a point man, you know what happened? The Biden family made millions and America got sold out.”
Cutting him off, Pirro said: Ok, and we need to have the evidence. Do you have the evidence of that?”
Giuliani again insisted:I've got the evidence. I've been showing them the evidence for months.
Seeming skeptical, Pirro asked again:Can we see the evidence Rudy, can we see it?"
Giuliani again insisted that he'd already revealed the evidence, saying he'd put it out there “in April and also in March,” and claiming it was being “ignored” even on FOX.
Then Pirro strongly disagreed, saying: Alright, you know what Rudy, I'd love you to send it to me and I'm gonna lay out.”
Giuliani then tried to promote coverage of the alleged Biden conspiracy by the far-right One America News Network (OANN), and then Pirro, with a big laugh, said again:No, send it to me.”
But, Giuliani kept promoting a podcast he said he will do with OANN about the allegations.
*A bit more on this “news” outlet (OANN) published here from the Daily Beast helps to put this whole conspiracy thing into perspective:
Founded and helmed by 77-year-old circuit-board millionaire Robert Herring Sr., OANN launched in 2013 as an answer to the chatty, opinionated content of mainstream cable news channels — and a place for viewers too conservative for Fox News.
Under Herring’s direction the network embraced Trumpism enthusiastically starting in 2016, and in recent months the once-obscure cable news channel has been basking in a surge of attention from Trump.
Nearly all of OANN’s 24-hours of daily programming is centered at an anchor desk, with a polished TV anchor delivering headlines and introducing packaged segments in the time-honored manner of Edward R. Murrow or Walter Cronkite.
But there’s a twist: The segments, the interviews, the words the anchors are speaking and even the crawl at the bottom of the screen are a slurry of fake news mixed with genuine reporting; internet conspiracy theories blended with far-right rhetoric and drizzled with undiluted Kremlin propaganda.
If you don’t live in a world where Trump’s inauguration drew “record crowds, Roy Moore won the Alabama special election in a landslide, and Hillary Clinton has her political enemies assassinated,” then viewing OANN for a couple of hours is a surreal experience that inspires the same vague, uneasy dread you get from a David Lynch surrealistic movie.
Backdrop: The Trump-Giuliani “evidence” of Joe Biden's corruption is a video of him bragging and talking about how he got Ukraine to fire their former corrupt prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin.
That short video clip below in true Biden humor:

Shokin was widely see by the U.S. government, EU leaders, the World Bank (IMF), and most anti-corruption groups in Ukraine to have been be obstructing numerous corruption investigations in Ukraine for his own benefit.
Trump and his supporters all along have argued that was to benefit the business dealings of Biden's son Hunter, a Yale trained lawyer, who sat on the board of Burisma holdings, but the facts tell a different story.
Analysts have suggested that Shokin's removal actually made it more likely that investigations into alleged corruption at Burisma would move forward, not less likely as Giuliani and Trump have claimed.
Ethics experts have noted that the optics of Biden's son serving on the board of a prominent Ukrainian company while his father was former President Barack Obama's point man on dealing with the country looked poor.
But, there is no evidence that the former vice president's actions in Ukraine veered from official U.S. government policy toward the country to benefit his family in any way – it was all open and Congressional approved policy as well.
Related to all that are these Earlier Stories:

My 2 cents: One thing about these conspiracies is that those who promote and market them totally believe them no matter what the evidence is otherwise that disputes them.
Right now in our country, they run wild about the smallest and most-insignificant political thing and the #1 promoter is Donald J. Trump – a huge conspiracy buff as well as many around him and on Fox and Right Wing Talk Radio and TV.
Image Trump in the future if he is not removed and somehow wins reelection – he would run wild no telling where that would take us.
I am not crying wolf or showing any anti-Trump dislike or bias – the facts are clear and the danger Trump poses from here on out, based on his history in office till now, is overwhelming despite the GOP spin otherwise – I honestly believe he must be removed, but if not the voters I also believe will resoundingly reject him in November…
I still have faith in the voters although the security of the election could be in serious doubt and dispute – but let’s hope the controls are in place now to preclude a repeat of 2016 (fingers crossed).
Thanks for stopping by.

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