Sunday, February 9, 2020

Trump and Loyalists: Political Paranoia Running Amok Leads to Wild Conspiracies

Trump Order to Key Senate Committee Chairman
(Part of His One-Man Ruler View)

Trump is 100% on the warpath and the proof oozes out now daily… more from here today (The Daily Beast)

My two earlier posts on this subject when it started is here and also here.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on “Face the Nation” (12 minutes):

Double-talking, two-faced appearance

Historical reminder is here from this Atlantic article two years old, but boy is it timely now. One snippet from that article:

Foreign leaders have begun to reshape alliances, bypassing and diminishing the United States.

Trump’s hatchet man with DOJ’s AG Barr firmly in hand, is Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and despite his words, he is fully in Trump’s pocket – question is which pocket is he in – maybe wallet since Graham is in tight race in SC this cycle, too, you think?

This all ties in with the Vindman and Sondland firings and those surely to follow – Trump cannot resist – he has to follow this purge routine – hell bent for leather as the old movie line says and that meaning: Speed so great as to be heedlessly reckless.

Graham story intro: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) claimed on Face the Nation that AG William Barr has now “created a process” for Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani “to feed him any dirt he’s dug up on former Vice President Joe Biden during his Ukrainian smear campaign.”

In the wake of President Donald Trump’s impeachment acquittal, the president has not only spiked the football but has also begun to exact retribution on those he feels are responsible for the investigation into the Ukraine scandal.

Besides ousting impeachment witnesses from their government posts, Trump has publicly pressed Congress to probe Democrats and impeachment investigators.

Folks, we are watching history of the U.S. going down the drain in real time – that cannot be denied – the question is how can it be stopped?

While it is true that yes, Trump has the right to fire, dismiss, or remove anyone from the Executive Branch and that is a fact, but he does NOT have the right or I think legal right to do so out of an act of retaliation, retribution, or revenge against officials who tell the truth under oath before Congress and the public.

Worse and at the same time, Trump spews thousands of nasty, degrading name-calling personal insults at anyone via daily tweets, and who now has over 16,000 documented lies to his credit. Have we really fallen to that same level as Trump? Apparently we have.

Here is what Speaker Pelosi said about the Vindman dismissal:

President Trump is impeached forever. The shameful firing of Colonel Vindman was a clear and brazen act of retaliation that showcases the President’s fear of the truth. History will remember Lieutenant Colonel Vindman as an American hero. Lieutenant Colonel Vindman has proven to be an American patriot on the battlefield when he earned a Purple Heart, and in the House trial when he spoke truth to power.  His brave testimony showed America that right still matters.”

Vindman's lawyer said he was escorted out of the White House by a security escort along with his twin brother Yevgeny Vindman, a NSC ethics lawyer – who did not testify during impeachment. Hours later, Trump dismissed and recalled EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland.

Vindman and Sondland both provided key witness testimony in the House impeachment inquiry into Trump's alleged pressuring of the Ukraine government to open investigations into domestic political rival, Joe Biden, leveraging military aid money to do so, and to peddle a worn-out conspiracy that Ukraine, not Russia meddled in 2016. These firings came just days after Trump was acquitted by the tightly-run all GOP Senate that McConnell has a strangle hold on.

Vindman said during his hearing that it was inappropriate for the president to make such a request of Ukraine's president, and he had revealed his concerns to supervisors after listening in on the now infamous July 25, 2019 phone call with Ukraine President Zelensky.

My 2 cents: Both Graham and Giuliani and probably Barr now, too seem to think that getting dirt on Hunter Biden for his income from Ukraine was corrupt and illegal that they will prove that he used his name “Biden” to do so and thus that will end Joe Biden’s run in 2020 – which has been Trump’s aim since day one.

Okay, fair enough, Hunter used the Biden name – so what? 

So did Bobby Kennedy to become JFK’s AG, or hey, Sen. Graham and Rudy Gee, and Barr, don’t stop there: Check out Ivanka TRUMP, Jared (Trump) Kushner, Donald TRUMP, Jr., and maybe even old dumbass Eric TRUMP and Melania TRUMP, too – they all seem to be getting very, very rich off the TRUMP name. Oops, right? Yeah, right.

We have reached the edge of the insane abyss and this is not pretty not one bit. But, the worst part – it will get far, far worse between now and November 3, 2020… wait, watch and see, but help get out the vote and help the nation get rid of this plague once and for all.

Thanks for stopping by.

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