Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Trump: A Clear and Present Danger to All of Us; Our Democracy; Our Very Survival

Cannot be disputed by anyone with any common sense
(But GOP sticks by him 100%)

The story today (March 23, 2020) is from Reuters that again shows Trump going off the rails during another of his infamous insane CoVID-10 task force briefings:

Trump now is considering measures to reopen the U.S. economy, even as the highly contagious coronavirus is spreading rapidly and hospitals are bracing for a wave of virus-related deaths.

Kudlow told Fox News:The president is right. The cure can't be worse than the disease. We're going to have to make some difficult trade-offs, and we will look at a number of things.”

From Trump:

Trump tweeted (as usual):We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself," adding that at the end of the 15-day shutdown period, "we will make a decision as to which way we want to go.”

Facts contradict Trump’s braindead sycophants like Kudlow:
Cases of coronavirus have grown more than 15 times since last week's guidelines. 

NYC hospitals are days from a crisis, and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Sunday (March 22): If we don’t get more ventilators in the next 10 days, people will die who don’t have to die.”

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) a staunch Trump confidant cautioned against prematurely lifting containment rules because of concerns about the economy, telling reporters:My advice would be to follow medical advice to contain the virus. If we can take some pressure off the economy fine, but my primary focus is to make sure the virus is contained and defeated. And we're just going to have to suffer through the economic consequences.”

FYI: Deep background on Trump’s economic advisor, Larry Kudlow. 
Kudlow has no formal economics qualifications, but he was fired from Bear Stearns in the mid-1990s due to his cocaine and alcohol abuse.

Kudlow can’t ever seem to get anything right: In April 2018, he stated:The trouble I had with the Obama stimulus program was it was all spending.”

Historical Fact: About 35% of the stimulus was tax relief, included a $116 billion income tax cut.

On June 29, 2018, just Trump celebrated the six-month anniversary of the 2017 tax cut on, Kudlow asserted that it was generating growth saying: That it's throwing off enormous amounts of new tax revenues, and the deficit, which was one of the other criticisms, is coming down – and it's coming down rapidly.”

Another Historical Fact: Both assertions are totally incorrect on two counts:

Since the all-GOP 2017 tax cut was enacted, federal tax receipts increased 1.9% on a year-on-year basis, while they increased 4.0% during the comparable period in 2017.

By the same method, the federal budget deficit increased 37.8% while it increased 16.4% during the comparable period in 2017.

Then, in November 2018, eleven months after the 2017 all-GOP tax cut, Kudlow stated:The tax cut has paid for itself already barely through the first calendar year.”

Yet, Another Historical Fact: Data released weeks later showed that the Federal revenue had declined and the deficit had increased during calendar 2018.
On February 25, 2020, just as the coronavirus outbreak was emerging as a global pandemic, Kudlow stated:We have contained this, I won’t say airtight but pretty close to airtight.”

Note: That same day, the CDC announced the virus would almost certainly spread in America – and of course it has and badly.

Kudlow is a self-described supply-sider who loves tax cuts and deregulation and is diehard quintessential member of the GOP business wing and it shows in his every stupid misguided statement.

Finally, this related story from The Daily Beast (sorry, inserted late).

My 2 cents: Remember, Trump told us, while bragging of course, that he only hires the very best people to serve the public.

Sadly, his method for identifying the “best” falls miles short of reality and he continues to prove with every person that surrounds him.

And, that list is very long and quite awful too boot. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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