Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Trump & COVID-19: Backtracking, Inaction, Distrust, and Doubt from Medical Experts

Double-talking and Confused at Critical Points
(While demanding attention and loyalty)

Washington Post analysis (via MSM) of Trump that is 100% accurate and totally spot at this very critical time in our nation's history. 

The Post's Headline: 


1.  Trump has lambasted governors who he views as insufficiently appreciative.

2.  He has denigrated — and even dismissed — IG’s who dared to criticize him or his administration.

3.  He has excoriated reporters who posed questions he did not like.

The coronavirus pandemic has crystallized several long-standing undercurrents of his governing ethos: 

1.  A refusal to accept criticism.

2.  A seemingly insatiable need for praise.

3.  An abiding mistrust of independent entities and individuals.

Those characteristics have had a pervasive effect on the administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic: (a) from his suggestions that he might withhold aid from struggling state governments based on whether he is displeased with the governor, and (b) right to his repeated refusal to take responsibility for shortcomings in the laggard federal response.

My 2 cents: How ironic and pathetic is that? Article continues at the Washington Post link.

As I have said a very long time: Trump is incorrigible, and it shows at each daily virus task force briefings where Trump strays off topic and turns the session into a political rally designed to appeal to and keep the GOP base in line for the 2020 election. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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