Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Trump: Wants to Hide Virus Death Numbers to Enhance His Own 2020 Numbers

Responding to testing shortfall: Duck & deflect the blame
(March 13: That is his M.O.)

That was Trump responding to a question about testing shortfall from Politico on March 13, 2020 here.

That was then, this is now: Trump is pressuring the CDC to change its death toll methodology and produce a lower figure (Business Insider article headline)

  • Trump and his aides have argued that the CDC should change its coronavirus death toll methodology, the Daily Beast reported.
  • It cited five sources who said the White House has pushed for a different system that would produce a lower figure for US deaths.
  • The sources said that Dr. Deborah Birx had lobbied for two categories of death to be excluded:
a. The first is people who likely have COVID-19 but do not yet have lab test confirmation.

b. The second is people who definitely have COVID-19 but may have died from unrelated causes.

  • A CDC official defended its method of counting, and said that if anything the figures are too low.
The outlet cited five unnamed administration officials working on the government's coronavirus response with death toll for the U.S. that Trump wants.

My 2 cents: Trump's methodology his whole adult life is still his main driver with this virus pandemic:

Lie and cheat anyway possible all the time to look strong and NEVER appear weak, or accept blame for everything. Just get and stay ahead of everyone else about everything all the time.

He believes that by showing lower virus death numbers it will reflect on him in a good way. It would show his strong “leadership” in this horrible crisis, which BTW: He reacted to slowly, or did not act at all in a timely fashion – none whatsoever. 

When he did, he offered sick medical advice that was disputed by everyone. Now with this stunt he tries to look good for 2020 by reversing history and getting a second set of books to favor his goal. 

What a disgusting human being.

Shame on those who supported him, voted for him, and still stick with him. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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