Sunday, July 26, 2020

Trump 2020: Not Virus; Economy; or Turmoil — Only Vote Rigging & Mail-in Fraud

Cornered like Scared Goat and Nowhere to Turn

My synopsis of this post comes from this AP article and headline:

100 Days: Trump faces headwinds as Election Day draws near

Related same subject posts are here, here, and here – FYI.

Political headwinds have sparked a sudden summer shift in the White House and the Trump campaign’s 2020 strategy – examples:

1.    After spending months playing down the pandemic and largely ignoring the virus’ resurgence in several states: Trump warned this past week that the situation is likely to get worse before it gets better after he said: “... it would disappear in April – just go away like a miracle.”

2.    After repeatedly minimizing the importance of wearing masks to limit the spread of the virus: Trump now urges Americans to wear a mask saying it ispatriotic to wear one.”

3.    After insisting he would press forward with a large campaign convention in August in Jacksonville, FL after cancelling it in NC earlier he now announces he will be scrapping those plans and hold tele-rallies instead as a safety precaution.”

The man is incorrigible and he proves it now every single day and it is apt to get worse between now and November 3. 

His primary focus will be on smearing Biden and his son, and probably seeking foreign help like he asked the newly-elected Ukraine president “... to do us a favor and find corruption dirt on Joe Biden,” or telling Putin jokingly: “Don't meddle in 2020” both of them knowing full and well that Russia did in 2016 with their mega-internet smearing campaign documented and proven by our entire intelligence community reporting and 100% confirmation. 

Yet, Trump still does not believe that and often jokes about calling it a “hoax or fake news or a DEM ploy to hurt him.”

My #1 concern and everyone else’s too must always be the welfare of the country, our foundation, and our future first and foremost.

That comes on top of solving this horrible virus pandemic, the economy, and helping so many needy Americans hurting due to those two major issues right now.

All that depends right now on protecting our voting rights – the foundation of our nation that says our voting rights must be easy, fair, and free. Right now Trump’s main is his overwhelming fear of losing in November. 

He already said that and is now going full-bore in peddling a wild conspiracy theory that “mail-in voting is corrupt, fraudulent, and rigged.”

Notes from expert research at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU and other places, is this reminder of voting by mail: Mail balloting is not a newfangled idea; it was already deeply embedded in the American electoral system before the coronavirus hit. In the last two federal elections, roughly one out of every four Americans cast a mail ballotIn five states — Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington — mail balloting has been the primary method of voting. 

In 28 additional states, all voters have had the right to vote by mail ballot if they choose, without having to provide any reason or excuse. 

Over time, a growing number of voters have chosen that option. Since 2000 more than 250 million votes have been cast via mailed-out ballots, in all 50 states, according to the Vote at Home Institute. 

In 2018, more than 31 million Americans cast their ballots by mail, about 25.8 percent of election participants.Despite this dramatic increase in mail voting over time, fraud rates remain infinitesimally small. None of the five states that hold their elections primarily by mail has had any voter fraud scandals since making that change

As the New York Times editorial board notes: “States that use vote-by-mail have encountered essentially zero fraud: Oregon, the pioneer in this area, has sent out more than 100 million mail-in ballots since 2000, and has documented only about a dozen cases of proven fraud.” That rounded to the seventh decimal point, that’s 0.0000001 percent of all votes cast. 

An exhaustive investigative journalism analysis of all known voter fraud cases identified only 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud from 2000 to 2012. As election law professor Richard L. Hasen notes, during that period “literally billions of votes were cast.” While mail ballots are more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting, it is still more likely for an American to be struck by lightning than to commit mail voting fraud.

States have multiple tools to address valid security concerns and protect election integrity when it comes to mail ballots. And recent technologies and strategies have significantly enhanced the security of mail balloting.

Trump's ploy and strategy are clear: Plant seeds of doubt to ensure he wins at any and all cost and if not to challenge it forever while refusing to leave office even as a new president takes office on Wednesday, January 20, 2021.

With Trump, his history, words, policies, and acts all show how evil and nasty he is regardless of the public face he now has painted – it’s as phony as he is – his con man skills are in full view and make no mistake about that – it is his trademark and he is good at it, too.

All that he has done and intends to do will cost us dearly in ways we can’t even see or image right now

He will no doubt challenge the election results and outcome if the count goes against him, both popular vote (like in 2016) or even Electoral College vote outcome.

He will not accept the results and as much already told Chris Wallace that on live TV when Wallace asked him very simply: Will you accept the election outcome?” Trump said:I’ll have to wait and see.” 

No American president to my knowledge has ever said anything remotely close to that statement. We have always had a peaceful, dignified change of power in that office – but it sure seems Trump is out to change that just as he has worked hard to erase everything that ever happened before he took office.

We must never allow that – an overwhelming election outcome seals his ploy and that is all I ask of the public – I hope you agree.

Thanks for stopping by.

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