Saturday, August 1, 2020

Trump 'Po Wittle Man Says: "Nobody Likes Me" They Love Medical Experts More

Nobody likes me – must be my personality
(Yep, but only half right - you figure it out)

Trump when asked about the absence of Dr. Anthony Fauci bemoaned about his own low approval ratings and compared his popularity to Fauci’s saying in part (July 28):Nobody likes me.” 

(And, he said that with a straight face no less). 

His statement implies that it was his personality people didn’t like all the while administration's health experts mostly still receive accolades while he is accused of ignoring and denying the raging public health crisis.

CNN and others said about that: That's only one answer, Mr. President – read on: 

In a week that saw a devastating global pandemic worsen, a record economic meltdown confirmed, and an all-out bid to stoke racial tensions for political gain deepen, Trump is finding himself more and more the odd man out: absent and detached from the leadership of either party, locked in antique cultural battles, and increasingly unpopular among voters.

But, by Friday (July 30), Trump’s own blunt assessment of his popularity seemed to have manifested in a litany of other (a few listed here) ways:

Even his staunchest Republican allies flatly rejected his suggestion that November's voting be delayed, some actually laughing at what, by most accounts, was a serious (if toothless) proposal from the President to undermine the election.

The nation's civic leadership, including three of Trump's four living predecessors, gathered without him in Atlanta to honor the late Rep. John Lewis, making the sitting president's absence conspicuous if unsurprising.

Stimulus talks on Capitol Hill have proceeded almost entirely without his participation, and have been notable mainly for the disarray they have exposed among Republicans, many of whom were unpleasantly surprised to learn the President's demand for a new FBI building was included in the final proposal.

In a closed door hearing on Friday, intelligence officials working in Trump's own administration discounted the possibility of foreign countries mass-producing fake ballots to interfere in the November elections — a claim Trump seemed to be making simultaneously from the Cabinet Room.

And the concerted push by Trump to delegitimize mail-in ballots is raising alarm bells among Republican operatives, who are worried the President's demand for in-person voting will mainly serve to dampen turnout among his own supporters.

Trump's attempts to regain standing have only exacerbated the divorce and led to worries he is weighing down his party's ability to move forward. 

Long dismissive of the Washington establishment, Trump has shown little concern at how his moves are forcing allies into awkward positions or alienating himself from longstanding norms.

Far from a mere differences of his personality and his own example of saying nobody likes me statement, Trump this week suggested a President actively isolating himself in his own bubble of conspiracy theories and questionable science, with fewer and fewer people willing to step inside to join him. 

In an attempt to boost his mood, Trump's advisers scrambled to assemble a scaled-down political event on a baking Florida tarmac on Friday, where Trump addressed a mostly mask-less crowd standing inches from one another. Other events in the state that Trump had scheduled for Saturday were canceled as a storm approached.

Trump has voiced versions of nobody likes me for the past several months, those people said, describing an in-the-dumps president brought low by a pandemic he feels he has little ability to control.

Speaking Thursday, Trump appeared resigned to the fact that coronavirus case counts will continue spiking, and said it's probably not anyone's fault, least of all his, saying: “That's just the way it is.”

Top Republicans, many of whom have given up hope that Trump will offer anything resembling a coherent national plan to contain the virus, have long decided to promote mask-wearing and social distancing without taking a lead from Trump. One of those who didn't, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), found out he had coronavirus from a test administrated at the White House.

Instead of avoiding the question or denying knowledge about Trump's tweet suggesting an election delay – a tactic they've fallen back on before when the President dispatches something inconvenient or embarrassing – nearly every Republican this week rejected the idea out of hand.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) an informal staunch adviser to the President said:  I don't think that's a particularly good idea.

Sen. Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) said:I read it. I laughed. I thought my gosh this is going to consume a lot of people. I long ago stopped being surprised by the things the president does that other presidents wouldn't have done, but I also understand why he does it and why his base enjoys it so much.”

The move appeared to some another break from a President whose interests in politics generally don't extend beyond his own self-interest.

While his absence from the Lewis funeral on Thursday (July 29) was not a surprise given the animosity between the two men, it also reflected Trump's general impatience for the rituals of politics that do not revolve around him.

Denied traditional routes of affirmation, Trump has begun looking elsewhere. Basically, he is frustrated that his once-favorite television channel Fox News now is willing to interview Democrats, he has adopted the hard-right *OAN as his preferred venue and spoke to the outlet's CEO this week about hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial that he insists works to prevent coronavirus.

*OAN in a snapshot: One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a fair right, cable channel founded by the Robert Herring Jr. family with HQ in San Diego – it was launched July 4, 2013 and has news bureaus in Washing DC and NYC.

Its political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the “greatest supporters of President Donald Trump, and Trump himself has promoted the network frequently.

OAN is also prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.

Even amid attempts by his aides to shift his focus back to the pandemic, Trump continues to hear from a wide range of associates who are undermining the administration's health experts and questioning their approach to the pandemic.

A group of doctors who have promoted hydroxychloroquine and cast doubt on the decision to enforce lockdowns to contain the virus were invited to the White House for a meeting with Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday, even though a video of a press conference they delivered was removed from social media for violating rules against misinformation.

My 2 cents: So, Mr. President, still wonder why nobody likes you? Self-evident isn’t it? 

I can’t add anything else to this rundown other that what I have said a thousand times before: Donald J. Trump in out of his league, in way over his head, and totally incorrigible.

Thanks for stopping by.

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