Saturday, September 26, 2020

Trump: Another Slick Major Underhanded Bribery Attempt to Win Over Black Voters


Phony Painfully Obvious Stunt that May Be Illegal

Trump unveils “Platinum Plan” in Atlanta to boost Black voter with massive $500 Billion support promise. On Friday (September 25) he unveiled the so-called “Platinum Plan” at an event in Atlanta, which is aimed at investing $500 billion in Black communities – and obviously aimed and at the black vote.

Report here from NPR and from NBC News (via AOL news):

In true Trump form, he did not disclose how the plan would be funded but that it would boost lending to Black-owned businesses, reduce taxes, and also include education, healthcare, and criminal justice reforms. 

He also said the plan would make Juneteenth, a holiday celebrated by Black Americans that marks the end of slavery in the U.S., a national holiday. 

Note: He cannot do that alone – it takes an act of Congress to declare any day a national or Federal holiday – the man is dumber than a box of rocks and proves it again.

He said that the plan would focus on the prosecution of the Ku Klux Klan and Antifa as well as designating the groups as terrorist organizations, and make lynching a national hate crime.

He also said:When I ran for president four years ago, I looked at the shameful record of the Democrat party, and asked black Americans, ‘what the hell do you have to lose?' I want to share what you have to gain from voting Republican on November 3rd – the biggest election of our lives. For decades, Democrat politicians like Joe Biden have taken Black voters for granted.”

He implies that he won’t take them for granted, rather just use raw bribery as stated above – which could be a crime in and of itself to buy votes. 

In Georgia, a reliably red state, Trump and former vice president Joe Biden are near-deadlocked, according to recent polling. A New York Times/Siena poll shows both men at 45 percent and a Monmouth poll shows Trump at 47 percent and Biden at 46 percent among all registered voters.

Trump has struggled among Black voters, who favor Biden by an 80 percent-to-6 percent margin in a July NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Trump has long made overtures to the Black community as a candidate and as president but has a dearth of Black senior staff members in his administration.

Note: Much of Trump’s plan has already been introduced as legislation and/or also already contradicted by his own GOP pals.

1. For example: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Biden's running mate, already introduced legislation to make Juneteenth a national holiday, as well as other lawmakers from both sides.

2. Sen. Harris' other legislation – making lynching a federal hate crime has repeatedly been stalled by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a staunch supporter of Trump.

3.  Noteworthy: FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers earlier this month that Antifa — short for “Anti-fascists” — is an ideology, not an organization. That puts him at odds with Trump and most right-wing media peddlers who repeatedly say Trump should designate Antifa as a terror group.

My 2 cents: I wonder how many more BS stunts, ploys, gimmicks, or Trump cons we are to see between now and November 3? I suspect a boatload and those above are only a few of his early warning shots. 

This election is already horrible – but know this, Trump has said he will not leave office based on a rigged election – he intends to make this 2000 (Bush v. Gore) a 1,000 time worse – bet on. 

The only way to prevent that is to have a final vote tally (assumes w/o his stunts) so dramatic that no court would dare say it’s invalid or not lawful. The people must vote as soon as they can in IAW their state rules.

That is the solution – a loud and clear message to Donald J. Trump: You are done, pack your bags. 

Thanks for stopping by and please vote…

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