Saturday, September 5, 2020

Trump's Biggest Blunder: Calling KIA "Losers and Suckers" & Hiding War Amputees

Story That Nails Trump & Stirred this Hornet's Nest

Triple and Double Amputees from Iraq & Afghanistan
(Two Suckers and Losers um Mr. Trump)

WWII Vet & Non-Political GI Newspaper
(Trump Finds Both Disgusting)

Donald Trump demands Fox reporter Jennifer Griffin be fired after she confirmed he called U.S. servicemen “suckers and losers” from the original The Atlantic story

Meanwhile, wife Melania Trump backs him saying: “This is not journalism, this is activism.”

This story is here from the UK Daily Mail and a related story from the Seattle Times, with these highlights:

·         Trump called U.S. soldiers killed or injured “losers and suckers” senior administration sources told the Atlantic. 
·         The Atlantic says Trump cancelled a visit a U.S. war grave site because he was worried about his hair in the rain. 
·         The president was expected to attend a ceremony at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Paris in 2018, but reportedly asked: “Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers.”
·         He also allegedly referred to the 1,800 Marines who died in the WWI Battle of Belleau Wood in France as “suckers.” He reportedly also asked: “Who were the good guys in this war?” 
·         Trump is also alleged to have said he didn't understand why the U.S. would intervene on the side of the Allies. 
·         The president allegedly said those who served in the Vietnam were “losers'” as they failed to dodge the draft. 
·         Fox News and the Washington Post have confirmed the reporting, while AP has confirmed part of it.  
·         The White House mounted furious pushback, hammering the piece for using anonymous sources.
·         Trump suggested that former CoS John Kelly, whose son, Robert, a Marine Lt. killed in Helmand province Afghanistan in 2010, was the source of this “false story.”  
·         Trump also demanded that Fox News fire reporter Jennifer Griffin, who confirmed the Atlantic.

My 2 cents: All the articles above confirm what most of us already knew and now see confirmed (again) this is classic Trump: a two-faced pathological liar, e.g., strong on the military the while speaking to his strong base during public rallies, and in actuality being a total a-hole otherwise behind doors.

How any combat Vet can ever vote for him would be surprising.

Thanks for stopping by.

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