Friday, October 9, 2020

Trump Still Blaming Hillary for His 2016 Win: Repeated Wild Claims from Trump


Can’t accept his 2016 win – on mission to clear Putin's name
(While smearing Clinton and everyone he dislikes)

Man in the middle (John Durham)
(Trump-Barr were looking for Zebras in the forest)
(Hint: Zebras don't live in the forest)

Major update on the following story that just came out a short time after the original piece was posted. 

This major story and an excellent one, too, comes from National Review with this headline (as if most of us didn’t already suspect):

No Durham Report or Indictments before Election Day

Introduction and Highlight:

Axios is reporting that AG Barr has informed the White House and top Republicans that there will be no report or indictments filed by CT U.S. attorney John Durham prior to the November 3 election.

Durham is the prosecutor that Barr assigned to investigate the genesis of the Trump–Russia probe launched during the 2016 campaign by the Obama administration.

My 2 cents on this update: Barr ordered Durham to look and find people to charge, indict, prosecute, try, and send to prison for very long stretches, e.g., Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden just to name four top names that Trump has been demanding that Barr pursue and in high gear.

Trouble is and this story seems to prove is that “dawg won’t hunt” as the expression goes and their car has only first gear and not much else.

The original post follows from here: ______________

Russian 2016 meddling kept alive by paranoid Donald J. Trump:

AP original story here. Coverage here from the NY Times.  This new update from the AP (October 7, 2020) with this headline:

Trump slams Russia probe; Dems cry foul

Highlights: The Russia probe is back in the political spotlight and as hot as ever thanks to the paranoid delusional ranting from Trump. Case in point:

Trump ordered the declassification of all documents related to how the FBI and U.S. Intelligence Agencies investigated Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race. Democrats quickly called the move a political stunt as part of Trump’s heated campaign to defeat Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

Moreover, now intelligence professionals have blasted DNI John Ratcliffe (R-TX), a Trump loyalist, for going along with the declassification, saying it was a flagrant example of using intelligence for political purposes which has been a wide “no-no” for decades.


Ratcliffe has been working to declassify details about the Russia investigation, which culminated in the 2019 report by former special counsel Robert Mueller. *Mueller’s report (.pdf 448 pages) found no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia to tip the outcome of the 2016 presidential election in Trump’s favor, but there was ample evidence of Russian interference favoring Trump. Also, see footnote below. Trump remains irritated by the Russia probe because he thinks it de-legitimizes his presidency.

Just hours before the first presidential debate, it was announced that Ratcliffe had sent a letter to Congress saying the U.S. learned back in 2016 that Russian intelligence had information “suggesting” that Hillary Clinton personally signed off on a campaign plan to “stir up a scandal against Trump by linking him to the Russians who hacked into the DNC.”

The Trump campaign quickly claimed it was evidence that Clinton “cooked up the Russia hoax.”

Mike Morell, former deputy director of the CIA, said release of the information was the most “blatant act of politicization by a national intelligence director that he’d ever seen.”

Other former intelligence officials said Ratcliffe was cherry-picking information and taking it out of context. They said the information was not the smoking gun the Trump administration was touting.

Ratcliffe’s letter was a startling break from a long tradition, given that intelligence officials generally are loath to publicly discuss sensitive government intelligence, particularly when that information is unconfirmed. He pledged under oath during his confirmation hearing that he would not politicize intelligence.

Even Ratcliffe acknowledged in the letter that U.S. intelligence agencies did “not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and several other Democrats in Congress said they were shocked that Ratcliffe would release the information, saying:Ratcliffe is even willing to rely on unverified Russian information to try to concoct a political scandal, a shocking abdication of his responsibilities to the country. It’s not clear what any of this would even amount to other than that Hillary Clinton might have wanted to warn the country about Trump and Russia.”

Ratcliffe released the letter a day before former FBI Director Comey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. When asked about it, Comey said the letter contained “unverified” information. Trump detractors dismissed it as Russian disinformation, although Ratcliffe insisted it was not.

Ratcliffe went on to say that former CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes indicate that the information regarding Clinton had been briefed to former President Barack Obama and other senior national security officials.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee said:Whether these allegations are accurate is not the question. The question is did the FBI investigate the allegations against Clinton like they did Trump? If not, why not?”


On Tuesday (October 6), after Trump tweeted that he had authorized the declassification of any and all documents pertaining to what he called the “greatest political CRIME in American History,” Ratcliffe sent several declassified documents to the House and Senate intelligence committees.

John Brennan said that was a “blatant act of politicization of intelligence” and that the Senate Judiciary Committee was engaged in a partisan effort to debunk the 2016 FBI investigation that looked into Russian interference. Brennan also said it reflected Trump’s disdain for his two former DNI’s, Dan Coats and Joseph Maguire, who refused to “bend to Donald Trump’s whims.”

Brennan accused both Ratcliffe and Richard Grenell, who served in the job before Ratcliffe was confirmed — of abusing their authority and using the national intelligence director post “to promote the very personal and partisan and craven objectives of Donald Trump.”

Brennan also admitted that he briefed Obama and national security officials about the intelligence involving Clinton for a couple reasons:

(1) To give Obama and his advisers a sense of the extent of the U.S. intelligence agency collection capabilities against the Russians — that we “did have this insight into what the Russians were doing, what they were saying among themselves and so on,” and (2) To show the Obama administration that he didn’t care if intelligence collected was favorable to Democrats or Republicans.

Brennan also insisted that he was not saying that the intelligence referencing Clinton was accurate, but that even if it was, there was no indication of illegality, concluding: “Let’s say that was accurate — and I am not saying that at all, it far from it. But if it were, there is nothing illegal about that. In contrast, Ratcliffe’s memo implies that since it was sent to the FBI, as part of a larger report, that it basically implies that Secretary Clinton was engaged in illegal activity, and that is not true.”

Related to the *above note: Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed by Trump’s own DOJ, documented in his final report that the Russian government, at its highest levels sought to influence the outcome of the 2016 election and the Trump campaign was a willing recipient of that help.

bipartisan Senate report released in August by the Senate Intelligence Committee again (for the second time) concluded that the Russian government interfered in the election with the goal of electing Trump.

This related from Pence during his VP debate with Senator Harris:

“I must tell you, Senator, your party has spent the last three and a half years trying to overturn the results of the last election.”

This is a reference to frequent calls by Democrats to impeach Trump, starting with the Mueller investigation. Ultimately, Trump was impeached by the House for seeking Ukrainian assistance to investigate Joe Biden in exchange for security aid and a presidential visit to the White House. He was acquitted in the Senate. If Trump had been removed from office, Pence would have replaced him, and no matter, a Republican still would have remained as president.

Pence continued: “When Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, the FBI actually spied on President Trump and my campaign.”

Early in 2017, Trump falsely claimed that Obama had put a wiretap on him — a statement disavowed in court by the DOJ. To this very day, Trump continues to personalize those same “spy” allegations, even calling it “Obama-gate,” as if it were a conspiracy directed by Obama himself.

There are three elements to this claim, rooted in the fact that the FBI launched an investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane” after receiving a tip from a foreign diplomat that the Trump campaign may have had advance knowledge of the WikiLeaks dump of DNC emails.

·  An FBI agent attended a security briefing for Trump in August 2016. Michael Flynn, one of Trump’s advisers, was a subject of the “Crossfire Hurricane” probe and the agent wrote a memo on his observations of Trump’s comments: “During the intelligence briefs, I actively listened for topics or questions regarding the Russian Federation.”

·  An FBI informant (in Europe), professor, Stefan Halper, met in the summer of 2016 with at least three people working on the Trump campaign (Carter Page was one).

·  An FBI FISA warrant was issued in October 2016 regarding Page (a Trump foreign policy adviser), who was one of four Trump officials under scrutiny (including Michael Flynn). The warrant was approved after Page left the campaign, but Page said he remained in contact with Trump campaign officials “through the election, transition, and later during the Trump administration.” He said the FBI quizzed him on “my early 2017 text messages with Steve Bannon,” one of Trump’s top advisers.

Key Point Republicans Always Gloss Over: The DOJ IG investigated the origins and did finds numerous errors and it found that the threshold for starting a counterintelligence investigation was rather low, but most importantly the IG added this crucial point in the report summary: “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decision to open the ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ investigation.”

A lot more from Pence to Harris in that debate can be seen at the link above or here.

My 2 cents: This is a lot of information I know, but details are important and to lay out the facts in simple terms is always my goal, but sometimes that is hard to do. The facts and highlights are what they are.

This final point is from Putin and it’s very interesting to read his words vis-à-vis a Joe Biden win over Trump here from the AP.

Two key points from Putin:

First: Putin said Biden’s reference to Trump in their debate that Trump was “Putin’s puppy” was in fact a compliment to Russia and that “it actually enhances our prestige, because they are talking about our incredible influence and power.”

Second (most critical): Putin praised Biden for declaring his intention to extend the New START arms control treaty that expires in February (that Trump does not want to renew). Putin said the U.S.-Russian talks on extending the pact have produced no visible progress, and that Russian diplomats said that chances for making a deal with the Trump administration look slim.

Again I’m sorry this is so long but it needs to be seen and read as very important to offset the sustained Trump-GOP wild spins.

Thanks for stopping by.


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