Monday, October 5, 2020

Trump Virus Maybe: $64,000 Question After His Ride to Wave Outside the Hospital

Carefully planned TV political stunt on full display

The shocking political stunt, ploy, and carefully scripted con by President Donald J. Trump from Business Insider with this headline:

Melania Trump reportedly refused to leave COVID-19 isolation for fear of infecting Secret Service agents — unlike Trump, who took a ride in his motorcade

The first lady, Melania Trump, did not come out of COVID-19 isolation in the White House to visit President Donald Trump in the hospital because she was concerned she might infect the Secret Service agents on her security detail, NBC News reported, citing an unnamed White House official who said: “She has COVID and that’s why she did not make the trip on Saturday (October 3) and that would expose the agents who would drive her there and the medical staff who would walk her up to him.” 

She tweeted on Friday (October 2) that she was experiencing “mild symptoms but still was overall feeling good.”

That reasoning contrasts with the actions of her husband, who on Sunday evening (October 4) left Walter Reed and took a ride in an SUV to wave at supporters, and now he is now facing widespread criticism for taking a ride with Secret Service agents on Sunday to wave at his supporters. COVID-19 is highly infectious. Dr. James Phillips, an attending physician at Walter Reed described the move as political theater, tweeting: “Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential drive-by just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may dieFor political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Note: The president and top officials have long downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic and are continuing to do so despite the president's diagnosis. The White House is also still not making wearing masks mandatory in the executive mansion, and the Trump campaign official Jason Miller on Sunday continued to criticize Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, for observing stringent measures meant to slow the spread of the disease.

My 2 cents: I am not and never have been a conspiracy nut – but this case sounds like a big one from Trump since it broke last week that he was infected. My questions are simple:

How come he a 74-year old man, overweight, and such get infected and is hospitalized and ready to be discharged in a few days along with that crazy car waving stunt?

How come other people in that same health category died and but he is ready to return to campaigning and such after only a few days?

Yeah, how come? Simple – Trump is a pro at TV stunts and this may be the biggest in all of American history and maybe world history, too.

It sure seems as though he will do, say, pay, try, lie, deny, or imply anything to win to stay in the TV and media limelight all the while blasting the media for being “fake or hoax producers.” What a horrible, incorrigible man. Shame on us.

Thanks for stopping by.


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