Sunday, January 31, 2021

Trump 2nd Impeachment Trial: Ready to Begin Just as His Entire Defense Team Quits


Rep. Raskin (D-MD) Reads the Article
(Jan. 13, 2021: Trial set for Feb. 9, 2021)

The article is very eye-opening (but not surprising) here from CNN with this headline in case you missed it:

Trump loses his impeachment team amid unfaltering loyalty from the GOP

Retiring Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) said Trump’s sustained ranting falsely about the election and now more so that has caused his five-member impeachment legal team to resign is bad saying:There were not adequate irregularities or fraud, not widespread enough to change the result of the election, period. We have to acknowledge that this election was lost and we have to move on.”

The GOP has been irrevocably changed by Trump's corrosive influence as shown just last week when Republican members stood by mostly silently and refused to reprimand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who should have ended the week in disgrace after CNN's KFile exposed that she previously indicated support for executing prominent Democrats.

But, instead, like Trump, Greene has doubled down and escaped largely unscathed, avoiding any punishment from GOP leaders as she falsely claims to be the victim of a “blood thirsty media.

On Saturday, Greene emerged defiant on Twitter after claiming to have had a great telephone with Trump, continuing to spout falsehoods about the presidential election and failing to show a shred of remorse for her endorsement of violent threats against lawmakers or offensive and baseless theories about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting or the Parkland High School shooting.

I Note: The Sandy Hook school shooting took place in 2012. It left 26  dead: 20 children and six adults. Greene has repeatedly claimed that shooting, along with the 2018 Parkland High School shooting in Florida, was staged. She also previously said she believed the Parkland shooting was orchestrated by Democrats to push gun-control laws. 

While her conduct gets a pass from GOP leaders, some Republican state parties and local leaders are rushing to condemn the GOP lawmakers who dared to vote for the impeachment of the former President.

The case of both Trump and Greene is the latest example of how the party of Lincoln has become the party of no consequences. 

In phrases that could have been ripped from Trump's own permanently suspended Twitter account, Greene has asserted that she'll “never apologize or back down” despite revelations and proof of her conspiracy-laden social media feeds, including liking a comment suggesting that “a bullet to the head would be a quicker way” to remove Pelosi, plus comments about executing FBI agents.

Now Greene announced that she would serve on the House Committee on Education and Labor.

Speaker Pelosi harshly criticized House Republican leaders for assigning Greene to the committee, saying:Assigning her to the Education Committee when she has mocked the killing of little children at Sandy Hook Elementary School when she also had mocked the killing of teenagers in high school at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (in FL) – what could they be thinking? Or is thinking too generous a word for what they might be doing? It's absolutely appalling. I think the focus has to be on the Republican leadership of this House of Representatives for the disregard they have for the death of those children.”

Trump's former impeachment legal defense team” that bailed out from him — their story is here:

My 2 cents: I honestly hope that 17 members of the GOP senate can find the courage and honor to stand with the DEMS and vote to remove Trump during his trial (even though he’s already gone from office) and to ensure that he can never run for any public office ever again. 

I think the vote will be close… but GOP hardliners are apt to prevail and that is sad on many levels.

All-in-all I think the evidence against Trump enforces the need to punish him is overwhelming as stated in the Raskin video remarks at the CNN page link above. But, with this GOP senate, who really knows? We shall see.

Thanks for stopping by.

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