Thursday, April 29, 2021

GOP Lies & Dirty Tricks: In Full View From Growing Rightwing Media Sources


FOX's Newest Targets (with false stories)
(Son Lachlan & Father Rupert Murdoch)

Very factual and interesting article here from with this headline:

“Right-wing lies like Biden's beef ban and Kamala's book spread too fast for corrections to counter”

Recent corrections from Fox News and the NY Post aren't going to stop them from becoming right wing gospel online

Over the weekend, two sensational fake stories: (1) a Fox Business Network segment about President Biden's supposed plans to impose strict beef rations on America, and (2) a New York Post news article claiming Vice President Harris's book was being distributed to migrant children in shelters spread rapidly through right wing social media after being injected into the bloodstream by outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch and his family.

Both stories were corrected by Fox on air and the Post in two separate corrected articles after both were debunked by fact-checkers. 

In both cases, however, it's highly unlikely that corrections will ever penetrate the consciousness of the average person who shared straight-faced posts referencing these fake stories on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or the other social media sites.

On the contrary, you'll probably be hearing right wing relatives griping about Harris using her book to indoctrinate migrant children and jokes about Biden's burgers for years to come.

There's a popular maxim — often attributed to figures like Mark Twain or Winston Churchill — that a lie can travel around the world while the truth is still lacing up its boots.

Nowadays, and more so in right wing circles, that observation is starting to morph into what looks very much like a sustained political strategy. 

Laura Italiano, the NY Post reporter who wrote the original story about Harris, dramatically resignedclaiming on Twitter that she was “ordered to write the story and that it was my breaking point.”  

Here from The Guardian on this same story:

Shame on so many Republicans for jumping the gun and not fact-checking this kind of story – seems they merely trust Fox when it comes to smearing President Joe Biden and his administration, and even before the story was partially retracted hinting in many venues that “public funds were being misused.”

Two high-level examples:

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) asked if the Biden administration was forcing taxpayers to buy Harris’s book to give to those illegal immigrants.

Ronna McDaniel, chair of the RNC, also asked: “After learning officials are handing out Kamala Harris’s book to migrants in facilities at the border, it’s worth asking … Was Harris paid for these books? Is she profiting from Biden’s border crisis?”

The Washington Post revealed that the single copy of the Harris book had turned up at the Long Beach facility as part of a book and toy drive for migrant children.

Long Beach city spokesman Kevin Lee told the Post:The city of Long Beach, in partnership with the Long Beach convention and visitors bureau, has a city-wide book and toy drive that is ongoing to support the migrant children who are temporarily staying in Long Beach at the HHS shelter. The book you reference is one of hundreds of books that have already been donated. The book was not purchased by HHS or the city.”

Note that the original story falsely claimed migrant centers are issuing “Welcome Packs for Migrant Children” that, along with basic hygiene supplies and clothing also included copies of Harris’ book Superheroes Are Everywhere.

In reality, there was one copy of the book at one HHS center in California — a donation, not part of any official welcome pack.

Like many lies that find credulous ears, this one bears a resemblance to a true, yet utterly unrelated to Harris, story: Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh got caught profiteering off her position with a scheme involving children's book sales.

Still, as Zachary Petrizzo documents, the false Harris book story tore through right wing media, referenced by figures like Fox News host Tucker Carlson. It also — and perhaps more importantly — ripped through social media. 

Figures like Dan Bongino and Glenn Beck, who routinely show up on the list of Facebook's most popular posters, amplified the story. 

Bongino's post on it has more than 12,000 reactions from his fans, with thousands of irate comments about Harris “pawning off her book to kids.” 

For weeks now, Tucker Carlson has been exploiting the influx of refugees at the southern border to mainstream replacement theory.

Replacement Theory is a white nationalist conspiracy theory that accuses shadowy elites that neo-Nazis call “Jews.”

But Carlson cleans it up that definition and replaces the word “Jews” by saying “Democrats.” 

Carlson says they are trying to replace the current white electorate with new people “who are more obedient voters from the Third World.  

Of course that is a preposterous accusation — it's well known that most refugees are fleeing violence in Central America, and the Biden administration has actually been criticized for not processing applicants fast enough.

Carlson has not only pushed the “replacement theory” lie, but he's been publicly defended by Lachlan Murdoch, son of Rupert Murdoch and CEO of Fox News for doing so.

My 2 cents: GOPers practically every day blast and rip DEMS and many times for 100% no reason other than for political gain, even changing elections to try and ensure they won’t lose the next series of elections.

And, they have the unmitigated gall to say in ever speech: “We serve the public.” 

Yeah, sure – but which public? 

They are basically and collectively nasty, mean, and corrupt people with one goal to stay in power anyway possible. This story proves my point. I’m sure more will be updated later. Stay tuned.

Related: My other post on this same subject: Disinformation from the GOP.

Thanks for stopping by. 

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