Saturday, April 10, 2021

Want More Radicals in Congress: Send Money to Trump's PAC — He'll Help Them Win


L-R: Boebert; Taylor Greene; Gaetz; Jordan
Gohmert & Nunes 

Reps Taylor Greene and Boebert
(Armed and Ready for What???)

Speaking of things to come – this story from The Hill:

Trump looms large over GOP donor retreat in Florida

Want more Reps like Taylor Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Gohmert, Jordan, or Nunes types in Congress? 

My Note: If so, then send your campaign money to Donald J. Trump's leadership PAC. That money will help pack Congress with more nutcases and ultra-far, far, far right members.

Intro from the story: Trump and the GOP were at loggerheads earlier this year when he said donors should give only to his leadership PAC and forfeit contributions to party organs over their use of his name and likeness. 

GOP officials responded that the party still needed donations heading into a midterm cycle in which control of the House and Senate is up for grabs.

The prospects for a fundraising rivalry became more evident after it was revealed that Trump's Save America PAC finished the first quarter with a whopping $85 million in cash on hand, setting itself up to be a financial juggernaut in the marathon to November 2022.

Key part that grabbed my attention: Trump has put the GOP on notice that he will consider propping up candidates who may not be the party's chosen contenders, indicating he could use his PAC as a vehicle to settle intraparty scores.

Trump said in a February statement:Where necessary and appropriate, I will back primary rivals who espouse Making America Great Again and our policy of America First. We want brilliant, strong, thoughtful, and compassionate leadership.”

My 2 cents: I was ready to puke when I read that Trump statement.

The B/L is a fact: Trump is in deep debt and short lots of money to meet lots of loan payments due all over the place.

My earlier post shows he will go any ends to get money for his personal needs despite his words otherwise even grifting old and sick people.

Electing more people like Taylor Greene or Boebert, et al far right nitwits in office IS NOT what our country needs. 

We need healing, NOT more division and that is all Trump and those like him want to bring.

So, get ready — it’s gonna get very ugly very fast – bet on it.

Thanks for stopping by.

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