Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Right to Vote: Under Intense GOP Fire While Blaming DEMS to Gain GOP Leverage


Was true pre-Civil War – still true today

GOP-run states are pushing to get the 2020 census numbers released quickly. Why? Simple: Get the census numbers out quickly, redraw the district lines quickly, and make sure Republicans stay in office and power forever.

That story here from Politico with this headline:

Republican governors press for earlier release of census data

A group of 15 Republican governors are urging Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to speed up the release of data from the decennial census, saying the extensive delay is burdening the redistricting process across the country. 

The letter was signed by AZ Gov. Doug Ducey, the chair of the Republican Governors Association, along with FL Ron DeSantis, and TX Gov. Greg Abbott, two large states that picked up seats during reapportionment — and where Republicans are expected to press their advantage to draw favorable lines. 

Also on the signee list are OH Gov. Mike DeWine and AL Gov. Kay Ivey whose respective state AG’s also sued to try to force an earlier release of the data.

Why is the census data so delayed: First, foremost, and obvious is that the CoVID-19 pandemic upended the decennial count of Americans by delaying the start of in-person follow-ups and scrambling long-planned efforts to urge Americans to fill out their census. 

Plus, experts inside and outside of the Commerce Department and Census Bureau fretted over efforts from Trump and his administration trying to meddle in the overall process.

Three examples:

(1) Trump repeatedly sought ways to exclude undocumented immigrants from the count — first with a pre-pandemic push to include a citizenship question that was turned away by the Supreme Court.

(2) Trump then abandoned his administration efforts in an attempt to compile citizenship data from other government records which Biden scrapped his first day in office

(3) Trump also backed away from giving the Census Bureau statutory deadline extensions, which Congress never passed.

My 2 cents: This effort by the GOP Governors cited above and as usual, Trump’s hanky-panky meddling are causes for great concern about the future of elections to make sure that they remain free, fair, safe, and secure and trusted by the people.

These GOP efforts to upend all that with the harsh voting laws all across RED states and now demanding to get the census numbers out and hasten their Gerrymandering is painfully true. 

My question: Why can’t the courts step in quickly and squash this GOP blatant assault on our democracy that will hamper it and in the long run destroy democracy by attacking our right to vote?

The GOP speaks of the effort on January 6 as a move designed to keep Trump in office by the Capitol assault and such while blaming bogus election fraud cases which they have lost in over 60 court cases and blaming DEMS for their designs to stay in power forever.

However, in reality, it is simple for any rational person to see: It is the GOP that is rapidly moving to do things that they blame others of doing about voting. That in my view is on the highest and grandest hypocrite scale of all time.

The bottom line on Trump and his legacy and on-going crap is painfully clear. How to stop it and him and that as they say is the $64,000 question.

Thanks for stopping by.

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