Monday, July 12, 2021

Gun Violence Front & Center: Timely Issue & the DEMS Are Not Taking Away Guns

A sad history of too many tragedies 
(A unified National effort is needed)

Action again long overdue that worked in the past; why not now?

This story from NEWSWEEK has an excellent 5-minute video (the video at the end of the article) that shows both DEM and GOP sides of the gun issue – it is worthwhile to watch and a bookmark keeper. The story headline:

Major City Leaders Head to the White House to Discuss Gun Reform, Relief Funds

Major city leaders and law enforcement officials will meet with President Biden on Monday (July 12) at the White House to discuss ways to reduce gun violence.

The sit-down will include Brooklyn Borough President and former NYC police Captain, and current mayoral candidate Eric Adams; Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser; and San Jose, CA Mayor Sam Liccardo. Plus, in attendance will be Police Chiefs from Chicago; Memphis; Wilmington, DE; and Newark, NJ.

Attorney General Merrick Garland also will join Mr. Biden and those local leaders for the same talks.

My 2 Cents: I support the 2nd Amendment but (there is always a but, isn’t there), but common sense must apply to making changes where we see 20,000 killed by guns last year, and we are probably going to exceed number that this year. That’s the issue.

Guns for self-defense, yes; totally 

Right to own a gun, yes; also 100%.

However, the mass killings must stop. How?

We need strict national laws that say (1) who can sell guns, (2) what kind of guns, (3) how much ammo can be sold with magazines that fire 20 or more in one string, and (4) who legally is allowed to buy and own a gun. 

In short, we need a set of national standards and a national background check system.

All that is to make sure that only decent law-abiding citizens can buy and own a gun, plus not have a personal arsenal in their basement.

Plus, that crazy “right to open-carry” law must be repealed across the land. 

We are NOT the “Wild, Wild West” and we must stop looking like we are. A simple rule my dad always told me: “Apply good old-fashioned horse sense.”

Thanks for stopping by.

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