Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Day of Reckoning: For Trump, His Family, Organization in Three Major Jurisdictions


The Rule of Law & Justice Closing in on Trump
(NYS AG; Manhattan DA & one GA DA)

Highlights from the article (link here) originally published on February 28, 2021, and updated on August 26, 2021 with his headline:

Litigation File: Pending Criminal and Civil Cases Against Donald J. Trump

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts (some 16 cases), former President Donald J. Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow in these legal categories:

·  Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings.

·  Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted.

·  More are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The article tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur. 

These cases bear on two pressing questions:

First: Will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? 

Second: If Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his — and his family’s — political and business fortunes?

My 2 Cents: Can’t be 100% sure, but generally some of each category is likely to stick and cost him plenty, including possible jail time (for the criminal parts like in NY at the AG and Manhattan DA levels and possibly the GA DA level, too.

Time will tell for sure – but Trump is long overdue to be held accountable for who knows what crimes will stick? 

Stay tuned. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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