Thursday, December 16, 2021

Freedom Caucus Members: For Trump's "Big Lie" 2022 Candidates Rain or Shine


Greene, Biggs, Gohmert, Gosar, Gaetz, Boebert, Jordan (et al)

Number one biggest issue for GOP 2022 candidates:  Run on Trump’s “Big Lie” that 2020 was “rigged and stolen” from him.

This major story is here from the Washington Post with this headline:

Opinion: MAGA candidates are imperiling the GOP’s 2022 dreams

[By Jennifer Rubin: Excellent Columnist and Journalist]

The Democratic Party might consider closing up shop and finding other work if it doesn’t run ads in 2022 featuring the clip of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) declaring:We are going to take power after this next election. And when we do, it’s not going to be the days of Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy. It’s gonna be the days of Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, and myself.”

Voters cannot say they were not warned. The polite, sane GOP is gone.

Voters will have a choice in 2022 between (1) Democrats tethered to the center or (2) the party run by those who sought to overturn the election, who concocted insane conspiracy theories, who defend animations depicting the murder of other members of Congress, who are willing to default on the nation’s debt, who voted overwhelmingly against an infrastructure bill, and who just might decide the former president and insurrection instigator Trump should be speaker.

Current GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is delusional if he thinks the MAGA (Trump-owned and run) wing of his party will support him for the position should the GOP win back the majority.

Is there a more potent recipe for chaos and a constitutional crisis than putting this crowd in power?

Trump is intent on finding the most radical candidates — so long as they are loyal to him — to challenge the few Republicans who had the nerve to stand up to him.

The MAGA (Trump-run) cultists will gladly double down on the “Big Lie” of a stolen election and whatever conspiracy theories are in fashion at the moment to please their patron. Indeed, adoption of the “Big Lie” is a prerequisite for getting MAGA (Trump-sycophants) support.

House Candidate Examples:

1. In Wyoming, Trump’s pick, Harriet Hageman, is out to vindicate Trump and run his nemesis, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, out of the House.

2. In Ohio’s 13th Congressional District, he’s backed Max Miller, who has been accused of abuse by former Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham when they dated (a charge Miller strenuously denied).

3. In Montana, Ryan Zinke (forced to resign under a cloud of scandal from his post as Trump’s interior secretary), has received Trump’s nod in Montana’s 2nd Congressional District.

4. In Florida’s 13th CD, Trump has tapped right-wing media personality named Anna Paulina Luna.

For the Senate:

Overall, Trump has systematically lifted the most loyal and extreme contenders, thereby strengthening Democrats’ prospects in: Pennsylvania, AK, NC, and GA.

Even where Democrats’ chances are slim, his endorsements of unhinged candidates such as Rep. Mo Brooks, a speaker at the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6 who is running for Alabama’s Senate seat, will cement the party’s image as full of Trump pawns and chaos-makers. So much for running on the Glenn Youngkin playbook.

Trump is not ignoring governor races: Trump has tapped former losing Georgia Senate candidate David Perdue to run as the pro-Trump, “Big Lie” defender candidate against incumbent GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, who had the temerity to resist undermining the 2020 election. GA Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, an outspoken Republican Trump critic, told the AP:

It is going to be a political civil war here in Georgia. It’s all avoidable if we just act like adults and move on. But that’s not reality at this point. Not by a long shot.”

Endorsing a flock of MAGA (Trump-lackeys) contenders has a number of consequences for Republicans. 

The party will be hampered in swing districts and competitive states in any effort to distance themselves from the disgraced former president. 

Their candidates will be repeatedly asked to declare their loyalty or independence from the unhinged cult leader who dominates the party.

First: January 6 will be on the ballot, as will their intentions for the remainder of President Biden’s first term. Would they renounce frivolous impeachment attempts, as payback for the two impeachments of Trump for betraying our national security interests and later for fomenting a violent insurrection?

Second: Abortion is bubbling up as an issue thanks to the right-wing Supreme Court majority’s willingness to overturn nearly 50 years of reproductive freedom for women, the race to the far right on abortion will be intense. Both MAGA and non-MAGA candidates will be eager to prove their loyalty to the anti-choice base. Be prepared to see pledges to ban abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

Third: The battle royal is a no-win proposition for Republicans. If a MAGA (Trump-sycophant) candidate wins the nomination, suburban voters, women, and moderates may run from the GOP; if the MAGA candidate loses, the MAGA base may stay home.

None of this suggests Democrats will have an easy time in 2022. Their fate will largely depend on the economy and the pandemic. But Democrats are fortunate to have opponents like the Trump-MAGA crowd. They will be eager to make the election a choice between themselves and unfit extremists, especially since voters are perpetually disdainful of the party in power. 

Thanks to Trump, Democrats may get their wish.

My 2 Cents: Besides getting his loyal supporters in office for insurance should he run and win in 2024, Trump is setting up an authoritarian government to replace our constitutional structure – to me, that is as plain as day. 

Get your sycophants in power then rule.

Trump will rule with an iron fist like no other on his dedicated platform of revenge and not much else – that too is as plain as day. 

Trump has to show by a win that 2020 was and remains foremost on his mind and will be forever.

How in the world anyone cannot see nor comprehend that is his aim and goal is beyond logic and rational belief and thinking.

How to stop it? Simple by an overwhelming DEM/Independent/and rational thinking GOP voter turnout to head off and stop Trump’s madness. We shall see. 

But, in all honesty with the RED state voting laws being changed and making it harder not easier to vote I fear the worse for our county and future – do you also think – I sure hope you do and can help act to head it off.

Thanks for stopping by.


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