Sunday, February 27, 2022

Former AG Barr: Blasts Trump in Forthcoming Book for Dishonest Shameful Money


Yes, hang your heads in shame
(Each trying to outdumb the other)

True photo caption: Hang your head in shame, but which one is more shameful? Probably both equally.” 

Barr now bent on selling a book and making tons of money – I hope he loses money. 

Trump for hauling in millions while teasing about 2024 run just to line his pocket while under serious investigations at many levels.

Former AG William Barr and his disgusting story is here from The Independent with this headline:

Bill Barr launches blistering attack on Trump in new book

Former Attorney General Barr has unleashed a volley of criticism at Trump in his new book, saying the ex-president:Has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed. The Republican party should move on from him.”

His book is titled:In One Damn Thing After Another” Barr writes that his former boss could have won the 2020 election if he had “just exercised a modicum of self-restraint, moderating even a little of his pettiness” (that according to the Wall Street Journal).

Also, according the Journal, Barr writes: The election was not stolen. Trump lost it.” 

Barr goes on to reject Trump’s so-called “Big Lie” that he was cheated out of election victory by fraud.

Before announcing that he was stepping down from his role early, in December 2020 – after Trump’s election defeat but before the Capitol riot – the outgoing attorney general told the then-president that the DOJ had seen no evidence of widespread fraud that could have affected the result of the election.

In his book, expected to be published on 8 March, Barr recalls the reaction to his assessment as Trump reportedly shouted at him:This is killing me – killing me. This is pulling the rug right out from under me. You must hate Trump. You would only do this if you hate Trump.”

Barr then offered to resign. Trump yelled banging his palm on the table:Accepted! Leave and don’t go back to your office. You are done right now. Go home.”

However, White House lawyers apparently persuaded Trump not to accept the resignation offer.

As he has before, the two-time former attorney general – who also served under George H.W. Bush from 1991 to 1993 – blames Trump for the Capitol riot on 6 January, saying: The absurd lengths to which he took his stolen election claim led to the rioting on Capitol Hill.”

Looking ahead, Barr suggests the Republicans should look for a new leader ahead of the 2024 election, as Trump has repeatedly hinted that he may run again.

Barr reportedly writes that the GOP should turn its attention to an impressive array of younger candidates who share the former reality TV presenter’s political priorities but not his erratic personal behavior.”

My 2 Cents: What a disgusting person Barr is – he was totally loyal to Trump while disregarding his office, the “rule of law,” and worse a complete failure to the nation as a whole.

I hope his book is a total flop – it should be.

Thanks for stopping by.



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