Sunday, March 6, 2022

Mentor Putin: To Republicans in Congress; to Fox Hosts; Across GOP La-La Land


Just listen and follow me Donald, okay?
(Просто слушай и следуй за мной, Дональд, хорошо?)

Excellent analysis from The Hill by a fine writer, Al Hunt with this headline:

Russia and the Republicans

(Key parts boxed off to emphasize utter Republican hypocrisy and fit the blog):

Introduction: Russia's unprovoked war upon Ukraine is causing a political schizophrenia for many Republicans. They assail President Biden as too weak in taking on Russia, but don't want to offend their own party's leader, Donald Trump, a fan of Vladimir Putin. Most of all, they don't want this crisis to interfere with their plans to take back control of Congress in the midterm elections. Rattling Trump's cage isn't in that playbook. You can see their contortions in plain view - and by a little monitoring of their preferred venue, Fox News.

During the State of the Union - always a political Kabuki dance - Republicans applauded the Ukrainians during that part of the president's speech, but didn't look happy about it:

* House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) seemed busy checking messages on his phone; 

* GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) looked even stiffer than usual;

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) appeared to smirk.

* McCarthy had blasted Biden for not providing more military assistance to Ukraine saying: “Sadly President Biden consistently chose appeasement.

* Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) charged: “Putin was walking all over the president.”

They apparently forgot that it was Trump who actually withheld aide to Ukraine unless Ukraine delivered some dirt on Joe Biden. 

Trump was impeached for this, but McCarthy and Graham dismissed it as a nothing burger.

* Then there is the hawkish Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), who on ABC last weekend accused the president of “pussyfooting around. The financial sanctions are riddled with loopholes.” Four times moderator George Stephanopoulos asked Cotton if he would condemn Trump's praise of Putin. Four times Cotton refused.

The Biden administration has committed $1 billion in military assistance to Ukraine, and the sanctions Biden engineered are draconian.

* Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Cotton's GOP colleague, says they will be cataclysmic for Moscow.

* J.D. Vance, the once anti-Trumper and  and acclaimed author but now running for the Senate in Ohio and now pandering to the Trump crowd, Initially Vance told Steve Bannon he didn't “really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another.”

Someone then apparently told him there are 80,000 Ukrainians - immigrants and their descendants - in Ohio (as well as from other Eastern European countries) who hate the Russians - and Vance backpedaled.

* At the recent CPAC convention in Orlando, the citadel of right-wing pro-Trump Republicans, there was far more concern about rogue Canadian truckers or curbing transgender athletes than there was about Russians killing Ukrainians.

* On Fox the contradictions abound: One prime time anchor (Tucker Carlson) is pro-Putin, the others knock Biden for being soft on Russia, while praising Trump.

* Kayleigh McEnany, Trump’s former and one of his factually challenged press secretaries (now a Fox co-host), boasted about how Trump “gave the Ukrainians weaponry.”

But, she neglected to mention he also withheld millions for corrupt political reasons.

Fox News contributor, former Arkansas governor, GOP presidential candidate and father of another Trump press secretary, Mike Huckabee told Sean Hannity: “The Houston Astros got in trouble for stealing signals ... Joe Biden stands at the podium and gives them away.”

The administration did leak classified intelligence on what the Russians were up to - which helped galvanize public opinion to the dismay of Putin.

What Biden also did was quietly build back trust in the NATO alliance. By not publicly pressuring the Germans, it facilitated Berlin taking the most surprising and dramatic move: scotching the natural gas pipeline from Russia and providing military assistance to Ukraine.

Frank Wisner, a former top diplomat in Republican and Democratic administrations and a harsh critic of Biden's Afghanistan withdraw, told me (article author Al Hunt): “That Biden’s performance in this instance has been “masterful.” adding: “Joe Biden, without bragging, has put together a Western alliance like we haven't seen since the founding days of NATO. That was in 1949.”

Former Defense Secretary Bill Cohen, under Bill Clinton and the former 3-time Republican Senator from Maine agrees, said:Biden, behind the scenes, was brilliant before the invasion and then in not taking Putin's bait on nuclear weapons.” 

But Cohen anticipates dangerous times ahead, unless the Russians take an off ramp. Possible off ramps might include Putin declaring victory - he got the world's attention and Ukraine will never be in NATO; external pressures, principally from China but also potentially India and Israel, all with Russian ties; or an internal revolt as the economy tanks and body bags come home. 

Cohen thinks it much more likely that Putin, in a bloody war, will occupy Ukraine, saying: He's convinced we'll fold on the sanctions before he does, that oil is king and the West needs that.”

If the war rages on, Cohen has little doubt that his old party will turn on Biden for weakness, charging he's unable to negotiate with Putin and focus on the real problem, China.

Hunt’s summary: That may be good politics and will please Trump, but it would be terrible for America and most of the world.”

My 2 Cents: I agree with Al Hunt totally.

And, as I said an excellent article and very factual, but heck, the Republicans mentioned above plus a heluva lot more of them in office feel the same way – keep ripping Biden, changing voting laws, and make sure they never lose another election while elevating Trump to Putin’s level – a fact that cannot be denied. 

But I still have faith in the voters and our overall system – we will not let that happen (fingers crossed).

Thanks for stopping by.

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