Saturday, August 6, 2022

Rep. Taylor Greene (R-GA): Says She May Seek Higher Office Even the White House

She is a 2020 election conspiracy denier fruitcake

Are we a nation deeply divided and not just politically but socially and rationally? I think we are. 

Below are two clips from an ultra-far rightwing member of Congress: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to make my point.

Watch and compare the two links and see if you agree that she should be nowhere near higher political office and if anything she should be tossed out of office in this 2022 cycle if at all possible.

The first clip is seen here from her fav network: FOX with this headline story:

Marjorie Taylor Greene open to White House run down the road

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she is open to running on a national ticket, either as vice president or as president, at some point in the future.

Now compare that story with the one below which is a 12:00 minute CNN presentation (Hosted by Anderson Cooper) of Taylor Greene ranting dozens of lies on her own words. Amazing to watch and remember.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene exposed on national TV

My 2 Cents: Now tell me honestly should she or any person like her be anywhere near the White House in any capacity other than maybe to visit or to serve in any other government office at any time? I say clearly: Absolutely not.

Today there numerous other Republicans just like Taylor Greene in both the House and Senate and many dozens are now running for those offices.

In a word: None of them must succeed – but, that of course is up the voters. I sincerely hope they will to ensure that none of them elected in 2022 or any other year. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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