Saturday, September 3, 2022

Trump's Sky High Legal Woes: He Must Face Justice "No One is Above the Law"

Hiding Classified Documents – What Documents
(What Me worry)

Two stories and links follow related to the whole Mar-a-Lago classified document saga generated and caused by Trump.

The first is a quite long and excellent article by a well-respected columnist Lucian Truscott posted here from with this headline:

“Trump and consequences: After an amazing series of unforced errors, indictment is coming”

Trump and his lawyers keep making things worse, and he's now the DOJ's target: The irony is dark, but delicious

Introduction (the full detailed article is at the Salon link above):

The last week in August is usually a sleepy time in America, news-wise. A gigantic blanket of heat settles over the country, driving everyone inside, or to beaches and lakeside retreats. 

Congress is in recess with the president typically vacationing somewhere that features refreshing breezes if not cool temperatures; cable news anchors have retreated to their second homes in the mountains or by the seaside; even newspapers tend to take the slow-news days to run culture features on trendsetters and hip designers who have set the looks everyone will be sporting in the fall.

But none of that holds true when the disrupter in chief is facing investigations in multiple states and by the federal government itself that could land him in criminal court, and maybe even in jail. 

The former president, who throughout the past week had his lawyers refer to him as “President Trump” and “the President” in legal papers filed on his behalf in FL, is (1) facing a lawsuit in NY that could disassemble and fine out of existence his business, the Trump Organization; (2) an investigation by prosecutors in GA for attempting to overturn the 2020 election results in that state (which he lost); and (3) an investigation by the DOJ of his mishandling of official documents and national defense information that he spirited away to Mar-a-Lago when he left the White House and then refused to return to the National Archives over a period of almost 18 months.

My insert at this point for Trump is simple: Is that hole you’re digging getting too deep? Okay then – some of the best advice ever:

The second part of this 2-part post is this 6-minute interview with Mary Trump, “the Donald’s” niece via MSNBC on YouTube:

My 2 cents: Not much to add – the Salon article as I said is long and excellent and the video of Mary Trump is spot on. She know him personally and professionally better than anyone else, and her views and analysis of him must be taken seriously.

Also, I have an earlier post same subject here – FYI.

We still have a long way to go on this winding road filled with landmines placed by Trump, but the DOJ engineers are clearing a clear path to the end and that will be (I hope): Trump will be charged, prosecuted, possibly taken into custody (or not), face a grand jury on his tons of charges, indicted, face a jury, and hopefully get a very long jail sentence. That would be justice, and rightly so.

Thanks for stopping by.

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