Sunday, August 25, 2013

GOP Loves America (they say) but Clearly Not Most Americans

Stir Gently, Sip Slowly At Your Own Risk

The Way Most GOPers See Most Americans 
(and they have the record to prove it)  

Review of Some Harsh GOP Tactics: 

1.  Repeal Obama-care and since that vote failed after some 40 vote attempts, work to defund it, and if that fails "impeach Mr. Obama!!!"

2.  Fight to keep their government benefits: But whack the lazy food stamp, disabled, old geezers, Vets, and kids in Headstart — they are all fair game. 

3.  Work to scale back more and more voting rights to make sure only "real" Americans vote. Stop voter fraud anyway possible (which doesn't even exist per se). Apparently, the love the 5-4 USSC ruling on the VRA. 

4.  Now, move to shut down government anyway about the ACA (Obama-care).

5.  Along the way, don't do anything positive or good or beneficial, but project the image that you care, are concerned, and "love" the country. 

A few key things that stand out specifically from 
this at ABC News (my editing is included)

1.  Opposition to President Obama's healthcare law has once again catapulted the TEA party to national prominence just like three years ago - a time that "...will live in infamy." 

2.  The anger over Benghazi and the Ohio Office IRS scandal may be serving as a tipping point for their revival once again, too.

3.  The GOP carved food stamps out of the recently-passed farm bill saying it needs to be handled all by itself, all the while giant corporate farmers/farms continue to reap huge tax payer subsidies (for food shipped out of the country for more profits just like lost jobs).

4.  Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is stuck with no immigration reform and is also in trouble in his own home state (couldn't happen to a weaker "leader").

Taken together, the farm bill's failure and concession to anti-immigration-reform imperil the prospects for any bi-partisan legislation in the House — either on immigration or upcoming debt ceiling negotiations and moves to repeal or not fund Obama-care and now, shut down the government just as the war drums (again) are loud about invading or acting in Syria ... well, it's enough to drive one nuts and let's face it, that distance for the GOP to be driven is not far away.

A few GOP snippets: 

“This is the first time in months I've seen House conservatives full of energy and excitement. Farm bill defeat has encouraged them,” twitted RED State Blogger, Erick Erikson.

“I'm satisfied with the outcome. With the way that the SNAP program is integrated into the farm bill, it's more government spending and we just need better control of government spending,” said Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder and national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots. 

(I note that these two probably have never been hungry or had to hold two low-income jobs just to get by). 

These GOP actions and those they talk about are harsh, nasty, ugly, stuck on stupid, and totally out of step with the direction the country should be moving: ahead.

A parting thought or parting shot summarized from here: Unemployment is down, housing prices are up, the deficit is shrinking, Mr. Obama's job approval ratings on the economy are better than they've been since 2009, and the outlook for Obama and the Democrats is pretty with both growth and employment rising strongly. 

If anyone steps back and looks at it, it’s a hugely favorable scenario for the DEMS in 2014 and even for 2016, and that must be eating away hard at the GOP's inner fiber - whatever fiber that they have left after 2012.

I totally agree. But, try and find a GOPer who comes even close to thinking along those lines - can't be done, and that is the Grand Old Party's problem that the country need not help them solve. They have earned our scorn and anger about so many things ... so go and enjoy your TEA - but I see you need a fresh spoon.

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