Saturday, August 17, 2013

Weaselus TEA Partyus: More About Their Harmful Nasty Ways

TEA "Party" Should be Renamed: Steamrollers
Sen. Lamar Alexander
GOP Senator Lamar Alexander

This update from Sen. Alexander's home state of Tennessee, here in part that should be called: They're baaaaaack ... the TEA "Party" in full riot gear and aiming for "moderate" Republicans to kick out of office, or at least kick to the curb along the way.

In search of their own Ted Cruz or Rand Paul, TEA "Party" activists in Tennessee are launching a series of vetting sessions to find a challenger to Sen. Lamar Alexander in next year’s Republican primary. Their goal is get rid of him or as the extract in the snippet from the WSJ above says, "... we hate compromise and bipartisanship and moderates like you... it's time to left office." (or words to that effect).

Remind you of 2010 and the TEA "Party" Town Hall meetings and near riots all across the country that many thought was "needed" but once their candidates won, the sickness in the gut set in and people said, "What have we done?" Well, they're back and in full swing again and again in their riot gear. 

They hate moderates, compromise and now are bent on getting their way anyway possible by shutting down government ... they think, I suppose that if government is shut down, then there is no harm by them passing bills, spending money, or anything else to do with our system. How narrow-minded is that? So, if they get their way what should be call it this time: "TEA Party Redux," or "TEA Party II," or "Here we go again - hang on tight?"   I see their tactics and alternatives to what they want to achieve as: "The best government is no government."  Some would call that: Anarchy. They would be correct.

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