Saturday, September 21, 2013

Big Deficit Drop: GOP Fear Mongering in Space-time Continuum

The GOP Won't Talk About This - Why Not??

Story from Washington (September 16, 2013): 

President Obama recently boasted that during his time in office the US budget deficit has been cut in half. In remarks commemorating the fifth anniversary of the onset of the financial crisis of 2008, Mr. Obama cited the deficit reduction as a sign of progress for an economy that’s still struggling toward full recovery.

He said in part: "Our deficits are now falling at the fastest rate since the end of World War II. I want to repeat that. Our deficits are going down faster than anytime since before I was born."

People are asking, but not the GOP: Is this true? 

Whatever caused the deficit to rise quickly and there are many major reasons only matters if those raising gain about it won't address the fact that under Mr. Obama, again, for whatever reason, is making it shrink. That is the key part. 

Yet, the GOP refuses to even entertain the idea that Mr. Obama is doing anything positive. No one surprised by that fact.

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