Sunday, September 22, 2013

Here We Are Again — More Gun Violence: Will Be Blocked Again

Mike Luckovich Again Nails It (as usual)

The latest mass shooting and killing of 12 innocent people took place at the Washington DC Navy Yard.

The above cartoon points out the problem with the problem ... the problem is not being solved, so here we are gain. Following the Newtown, CT school shooting the headline said it all and showed the inaction of Congress:

WASHINGTON  — A wrenching national search for solutions to the violence that left 20 children dead in Newtown all but ended after the Senate defeated several measures to expand gun control.

The issue that still lingers: In rapid succession, a bipartisan compromise to expand background checks for gun buyers, a ban on assault weapons, and a ban on high-capacity gun magazines all failed to get the 60 votes needed under an agreement between both parties in the Senate. 

Senators also turned back Republican proposals to expand permission to carry concealed weapons and to focus law enforcement efforts on prosecuting gun crimes.

With all the talk of background checks, one wonders if any more Edward Snowden's or the Navy yard shooter, Aaron Alexis, as described below will continue to slip through any background checks, secret clearances or for guns.

Navy yard shooter, Aaron Alexis and his erratic and violent behavior were ignored, overlooked, or dismissed for nine years by the police, the military, the VA, and his employer. That created a series of missed opportunities that might have stopped the shooting - this according to records and interviews with officials close to the investigation.  The warning signs were stark but never detected or communicated among agencies, allowing Alexis to move freely around military bases with a secret-level security clearance.

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