Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Caution: Wisconsin and Texas Weasel Roadkill Ahead

Early Christians (Puritan) View of People Who Were Different
Modern Christians (Mostly GOP-Rightwing-TEA) With Same View 
No Label Needed

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who hates Obama-care and Mr. Obama as well, took to the senate floor and now for some 20 plus hours (with short pee breaks) has been speaking almost continuously, including a reading of Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham."

This short analysis from NBC News in part:

Here are three things you need to know about Sen. Ted Cruz’s still-ongoing marathon speech on the Senate floor. One, it’s technically not a filibuster, because it isn’t stopping any action in the Senate. Two, the legislation that the Senate is considering is the House GOP effort to fund the government and also defund the president’s health care law, so some Republicans are puzzled why Cruz is waging this crusade since the legislation is exactly what Ted Cruz begged the House to do. And three, there’s only one real beneficiary of this long speech: Ted Cruz. 

GOP Senate Minority “leader” (and I use the term leader loosely), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said, “We’d be hard-pressed to explain why we were opposed to a bill we’re in favor of.”

Do tell, do tell. But, the sad part, Cruz's TEA "party" base (angry GOP Conservatives mostly) are delighted except for the prospect of a government shutdown ... one supposes there are folks in Texas who would see their "stuff" delayed (like for Vets, Federal employees, and anything else the Federal government delivers to them and that I am sure, they need and enjoy).

The winner, sort of? Cruz; the losers if he were to get his way: the rest of us.

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