Friday, September 6, 2013

Владимир Путин: Russian Weasel Par Excellence on Parade

At the G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Владимир Путин): "Hey, folks: what can I say ... just call me an old soft shoe expert." (har, har, har)... "Now watch this move closely (seen above)."

Putin said: I will help Syria if the U.S. attacks, just as G-20 summit breaks up in acrimony:

  • Russian premier has admitted to supplying arms to Syrian tyrant
  • Putin insists the chemical attack was a 'set-up' by government opposition
  • Backs his stance by pointing out that the Pope is against military intervention
Basic wrap up of the summit: 

President Obama resisted pressure to abandon plans for air strikes against Syria and he was able to enlist the support of 10 fellow leaders for a "strong" response to a chemical weapons attack.

Mr. Obama also refused to blink after Russian President Vladimir Putin led a campaign to talk him out of military intervention. 

Mr. Obama was able to persuade nine other G-20 nations plus Spain to join the United States in signing a statement calling for a strong international response, although it fell short of supporting military strikes, underscoring the deep disagreements that dominated the summit.

Leaders of the G-20, which accounts for 90 percent of the world economy and two thirds of its population, put aside their differences to unite behind a call for growth and jobs and agreed the global economy was on the mend but not out of crisis.

The proverbial ball is now in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives, which meets next week to debate and vote on authorizing action ... the Senate will vote on the committee resolution agreed to a few days ago.

The House vote is not expected to pass, or if it does to pass barely, and with mostly DEM votes - not GOP support.

Stay tuned and come back later.

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