Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Weasels Don't Get Any Bigger Than These Two, Do They

                       Rand Paul.jpg
     Sen. Rand Paul "Rebuttal" to President Obama's Syrian Speech ...

Glenn Beck Today and His Ancestor in 1938
(Obersturmführer Glunn Beck)

Most of GOP: Now and Then

The cartoon stands alone and needs no reinforcement, and it's very factual. 

However, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his "rebuttal" to the President's Syrian address and Glenn Beck's rant on his radio show (addressed in this article) need plenty of work. First of all, no rebuttal from Paul was needed or quite frankly welcomed, and certainly not required by anyone for any political gain or for any cheap reason ... the rebuttal is shameful and totally out of bounds for the contents. Beck is so far off the rails that he needs air piped to just survive.

The nearly 6-minute Youtube video is here ... 

1.  In my strong opinion, Rand Paul is a traitor to the country based on his remarks at the beginning of the tape where he says: ... after 9/11 and all these years and all the al-Qaeda attacks, Mr. Obama now asks us to be allies with al-Qaeda."

2.  I also strongly believe that the Senate should Censure and Expel him ... today if possible. His bold remarks are more than criticism or disagreeing with policy. He in essence says President Obama wants to be like al-Qaeda, to join al-Qaeda, and in his own words, "to be an ally" with al-Qaeda.

3.  Rand Paul needs to go away and be removed from the Senate any legal way possible. 

4.  Rand Paul is a disgrace to the Senate, to Kentucky, to the country as a whole, and as a human being. 

Sadly, there are many who support Paul and are just like him. Beck has plenty of nitwits who tune into his show for more red meat crap, and apparently find him entertaining. To me, these two and those like them (Cruz, Rubio, Gohmert, Bachmann, Steve King, et al) are the real danger to the national sanity for the entire country.

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