Saturday, October 5, 2013

Exposed: How Many Weasels Comprise Shutdown Boggle

What Really Scares GOPers 
(A George Zimmerman Moment)

To answer the post question: 7 or more Weasels comprise a boogle - that was easy.

Q:  So, who are those 32 GOPers behind the shutdown? 

A: The Atlantic (here) ID's them as "32 Republican conservative hardliners." And yes, they scared to death of Obama-care. Why? Probably because they know it will be effective and work and they can't allow Mr. Obama to get credit or succeed in any way. 

Who are those 32 hardliners? To compile this list, the Atlantic started with "a roster that the Senate Conservatives Fund, a group aligned with (Sen.) Ted Cruz, created of representatives who were allied with them."

That roster was then cross-checked with "the list of members who signed an August letter by Rep. Mark Meadows demanding that [Speaker] Boehner use a shutdown as a threat to defund Obama-care, and against other public statements this week."

As stated, "it's not a comprehensive roll call — there’s no official “wacko bird” (Sen. John McCain's term) caucus that keeps a register — but it's a window into the small but powerful group of men and women in the House of Representatives who brought the federal government to a standstill."

Some call them the TEA "Party" (not a real party per se) - they would be correct. Check out the list and see just how they "serve the American people" (a fav sound byte they all use to show and prove just how patriotic they are - or say they are). However, their fake and phony disloyalty to the country oozes through and that covers their stated intention of serving with dignity and honor and loyalty ... hypocrite might be the better word to label them.

Did you vote for any one of them? Boy, let's hope not.

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