Thursday, October 3, 2013

Total Disgrace: Biggest Weasel and Hypocrite in Washington, DC

One Word Describes Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (R-TX): Hypocrite

With this man's education it is totally astonishing that he is so frickin' dumb. He also apparently expects the that the entire country should be as dumb as he is. He comes across as cool, suave, and in control — he is everything except. This story comes from Think Progress here, in part:

Cruz is now raising fears that the shutdown of the federal government (which he is the mastermind and helped launch) could potentially lead to an attack on the United States and he is calling on his fellow senators to to pass a separate resolution funding the Defense Department. 

His words are proof enough to show what an utter jerk this man is!!!

Cruz on C-Span captured via Youtube here >>>

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