Friday, October 18, 2013

GOP has Changed to "G.O.T." — G*ot O*verindulged on T*EA

GOP Marches Out New Logo

After Reflection and Self-Cleansing Session: It's Time for Change

Here is a great segment from HARDBALL (Chris Matthews). The facts presented are hard to dispute, but the GOP tries every single day.

They may be down, but to hear them say it: "We ain't done yet" as seen in this article

The TEA "party's" next big fight, they claim is immigration, then of course second front to "kill Obama-care and the debt ceiling" after the first of the year. 

Simple lesson here: You lost, cooperate and work for the people you said you wanted to serve when you ran for the office. 

Second lesson here: The GOP may have an elephant as their party label, but boy do they lack the memory most elephants are known to have. Ergo: They have adopted the new logo seen above.

They never learn.

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