Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Billionaires May Buy More Government (USSC Pending Ruling)

Airdrop Over America: Maybe We Can Call It Trickle Down

How Can This Be Bad for Us
(who can afford these amounts - see here)

The “Citizens United” ruling in 2010 was bad as results from the 2012 election prove without a doubt.

Some now say the current case before the high court: McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission will be “Citizens United, Part II” — and it is expected to be far worse. The gates of Hell may be totally flung off their hinges. That case can be seen here.

So, who are the big donors anyway? Interestingly enough Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called them out in the 2012 cycle (seen in this report here) and boy do they hate that spotlight (or heat as it were).

Most of them, like Sheldon Adelson, who pledged to spend $100 million to defeat Mr. Obama spent over $53 million; Harold Simmons was next spending nearly $27 million, and Bob Perry followed them with some $21 million. More can be seen in this Forbes 400 top contributor report for 2012 - very interesting research.

Who in the world thinks that their $500 contribution (or less) to a candidate will get them a phone call, access, a thank you card, or even a hand shake compared to one of those guys? Really.

Think of it in these terms, and all thanks to the 2010 Citizens United 5-4 ruling, which basically freed Corporations, Unions and, through a subsequent lower court ruling, individuals to spend unlimited sums on elections.

FYI: “Restore Our Future,” the primary super PAC supporting Mitt Romney, received $44.8 million from 43 billionaires. 

“Priorities USA Action,” the super PAC supporting Barack Obama pulled in $16.6 million from 12 billionaires. 

Other super PACs and the so-called “dark money” (from nonprofit groups” raised tens of millions more from these billionaires.

McCutcheon is expected to be worse by most speculation, and yes, just in time for the 2014 midterms. So, yippee – let’s celebrate and dance like there’s no tomorrow because you know what – there might not be for this thing we called representative democracy.

I am not crying Wolf or anything like that – I am being rational and logical based on the facts I see and the past money dump in 2012. 

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