Sunday, October 13, 2013

GOP Digging for New Ideas Anywhere They Can Find Them

Searching for New Ideas

They say there are four hats one owns as they enter politics: One to wear, one to pass around for contributions, one to pull a rabbit from, and one to talk through. 

This new brand of GOP has found a fifth (seen above) — one full of ideas with this message for anyone who will pay much attention:
 “Hey, you. Yeah, you the reporter badgering me. Hold on a friggin' minute. I know I had some ideas in here when I ran for this office. I'm sure one or two are still viable and in here some place. And, I resent your implication otherwise about my ineffectiveness now that I'm safely in office.” 

“Okay, next question. Yeah, you in back from FOX News. Boy, it’s sure nice to see a friendly face with a softball question. Fire away.”


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