Friday, October 11, 2013

Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz Back at Heckler: F**k you, too

Must Be the Texas Water, Sage Brush Dust, or His Jeans Are Too Tight

The headlines about Cruz speaking at the so-called “Values Voter Summit” in DC: “Off the Cliff: Defiant Cruz Slams Obama...” He said in part: “We have a couple of years to turn this country around or else we go off the cliff to oblivion.”

Wow – talk about red meat trash for the hungry, anti-Obama base – a truckload as it were. 

Cruz is about the lowest rated Senator and in my opinion the lowest level person, too. He is ugly in speech, sad in attitude about elected office, and just downright an awful person. He should be censured and expelled from the Senate. 

Then again, he's great for showing just how nasty and rabid and down the rabbit hole the Right Wing of the GOP has slid. His PR style is great for any GOP opponent and I surmise, there are plenty and a growing vast majority - we shall see in 2014, but the damage is already in place - how the GOP cleans it up - the great mystery.

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