Monday, November 4, 2013

They Are Insurance Giants For Sure But May Be Giant Liars Too

One Insurance Giant's ACA Information If Not Misleading is Surely Outright Lying

This story illustrates what I suspect may reveal more similar stories about how the Insurance Giants, like Humana, are misleading policy holders into signing onto more expensive plans that they promote, but not those included in the “state exchanges” which are more coverage and less cost as pointed out in this story introduction:

Donna is a 56-year-old Seattle resident with a 57-year-old husband and 15-year-old daughter. She had been looking forward to the savings that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Obama-care) had to offer her and her family. 

She received a letter canceling her insurance plan on September 16 from her insurance company, LifeWise of Washington. They told her that they'd identified a new plan for her. If she did nothing, she'd be covered. But that's not what she found. Instead, she'd be paying an additional $300 a month for coverage. The letter made no mention of the health insurance marketplace that would soon open in Washington, where she could shop for competitive plans, and only an oblique reference to financial help that she might qualify for, if she made the effort to call and find out.

The proverbial bottom line as they say (in Donna's case): If Donna had taken the default option that LifeWise offered outside of the marketplace, she would have paid nearly $1,000 more per month for a worse plan than she was able to obtain on the marketplace.

So, how will the GOP’s righties spin this story compared to the ones they spin. Facts matter as a matter of fact. 

Search around, I’m sure there are more stories like this one about Donna in Seattle. Stay tuned, and post your findings here. 

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