Friday, December 20, 2013

Bah GOP Humbug: Holding the Poor and School Kids Hostage

McConnell says with Rand Paul that Obama-care is not working in KY ... Whoops
(see update on KY and ACA below)

First this very good segment from the EdShow on MSNBC:

Now the KY ACA update:

In October, Sens. Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell wrote that “Obama-care might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it.”

In KY, Gov. Steven Beshear says, “Our state’s two U.S. senators are simply ignoring the facts when they continue to insist that no one in Kentucky wants the Affordable Care Act.”

Facts (which those two Senators I guess could not find):

1.  Nearly three quarters of Kentucky’s new enrollees, 72,285, have joined Medicaid, which was expanded as part of Obama-care for the poor and low-income.

2.  Another 24,683 have enrolled in a qualified health plan.

Kentucky state officials credit increase to the overwhelming demand of Kentucky’s poor citizens living in the state that ranks among the worst — and sometimes the absolute worst state in nearly all major health ranking such as premature death, preventable hospitalizations, heart disease, diabetes, smoking, and cancer deaths. 

Kentucky is not alone in this surge, either. California enrollments have shot up over the last three days as well, with more than 53,500 enrollments in that time.

Do facts matter - yes, as a matter of fact, they do. Try telling that to the GOPers in DC.

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