Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dangerous, Unpredictable, Violent, Delusions of Grandeur

North Korea - officially the DPRK : Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Latest in Line of Kim's to be the “Leader” - Staged Photo Op Issuing Guidance
Kim, Jung-un

Official CIA rundown on North Korea research site here.

North Korea's official homepage is here

The young Kim the son of the late Kim Jong-il (1941–2011) and the grandson of the late Kim Il-sung (1912–1994), and the founder of North Korea that we see today.

A bit of history about that founding:

North Korea (officially the the DPRK) began with occupation of the Korean Peninsula north of the 38th parallel by the old Soviet Union at the end of WW II.

That division of Korea put the United States in control of the south the Russians in the North, along with some Chinese assistance.

When a joint trusteeship failed to unite both North and South, due to Soviet intransigence, both countries were officially established in 1948: the South free and democratic and the North, under communist rule and it has been ever since.

Young Kim just had his Uncle, his mother's brother, tried and then executed for various personal crimes against the state including corruption. Reports now say Kim is purging the old guard and high ranks around him to consolidate power for himself. 

This is interesting since an on-going assessment of who young Kim is was being developed. That U.S. assessment reached the alarming conclusion about his personal character based on a number of interviews with people who knew him when he was a student in Switzerland, and as reported by former Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell recently on CNN

The bottom line as they say: Kim Jung-un was dangerous, unpredictable, prone to violence, and with delusions of grandeur. What a mix for such a young man in charge of a country hardly anyone knows anything about.

Now what? Wait and watch and assess more. But, maybe Dennis Rodman can bring us more up to date on Kim, Jung-un when he comes back from another trip now underway there.

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