Sunday, December 15, 2013

Meet the Right's Top 25 Influential Weasels — Oh, Boy

Three Conservative Influential People

Have you ever wondered what makes the GOP’s Rightwing side of the laa-laa tree so politically nutty, or to be called wacko birds like John McCain called them once.

May I offer these 25 names who Townhall identifies as “the Right’s 25 most influential.” They are listed below in the order of importance shown at the Townhall main site.  What is amazing is that Limbaugh is shown as #1.  There can be no doubt about the source of his gas bagging about being the “leader of the conservative movement.” But, as Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) might add: Whoops.

#1: Rush Limbaugh
#2: Matt Drudge
#3: Sarah Palin
#4: Karl Rove
#5: John Boehner
#6: Sean Hannity
#7: Chief Justice Roberts
#8: Koch brothers
#9: Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz
#10: Glënn Beck
#11: John McCain
#12: Mark Levin
#13: Wayne LaPierre
#14: Rand Paul
#15: Grover Norquist
#16: Rick Perry
#17: Brent Bozell
#18: Mitch McConnell
#19: Charles Krauthammer
#20: Scott Walker
#21: Matt Kibbe
#22: Jim DeMint
#23: Greg Gutfield
#24: Newt Gingrich
#25: Michelle Malkin

Their honorable mentions is also listed at the link. This is really amazing stuff.

With the right's miserable track record and futile efforts to undermine the country (while blaming everyone else for the exact same thing they accuse about) can anyone not see why we are in this state of such disrepair?

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