Sunday, March 2, 2014

Fox in the People's House — Or Weasel's Burrow — Same Thing

FOX's Mascot: Always Looking for the Truth
(ha ha ha ha ha ha)

Looking and Finding the Truth: Not Always the Same
(admitting a wrong takes time, why???)

Smugness is an Issa Thingy, right???

Major Update (March 3, 2014):  Rep. Darrell "Mr. Witch Way" Issa (R-CA) disputed two four-Pinocchio ratings given to him by Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler (see below). That caused Mr. Kessler to retry the cases and re-award the eight Pinocchios. (Note: 8 is unheard of - congrats).

This long over due story appeared on FOX News Sunday today (March 2, 2014) as reported on here from Media Matters in part:

FOX News host Chris Wallace admitted that FOX's “stand down order” narrative about the 2012 Benghazi attacks was false, but still allowed disreputable source Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to desperately try and redefine the debunked claim into a new attack on the Obama administration.

Fox News has persistently pushed the myth that the administration had issued a “stand down” order to stop reinforcements from coming to the aid of American diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya during the September 11, 2012 attack. Though the claim was rapidly discredited, by June 2013, the network had repeated the charge at least 85 times in prime time segments, and the allegations didn't stop there. In early February, a House Armed Services Committee report and a bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report put the myth to rest.

On the March 2 edition of FOX News Sunday, host Chris Wallace admitted that the Senate report had thoroughly debunked claims of a “stand down” order and reported that The Washington Post Fact Checker had given Issa “four Pinocchios” — the rating it issues for whoppers — for Issa's suggestion that "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to stand down, and we all heard about the stand-down order for two military personnel. That order is undeniable."

We all know now that the so-called “Order to stand down is in fact undeniable because it never existed, period.” End of story, or maybe not. We had better ask Rep. Darrel Issa first. Be prepared though, you probably won't like his answer, then just like now.

The entire GOP and FOX, their cheerleader-in-fact have been in lock-step about this issue, and that is shameful yet both of them remain shameless. That record and the truth will hopefully be validated in November — wait and see.

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