Monday, March 3, 2014

GOP Battle Plan Against Poverty: Find, Blame, Attack the Poor

Ryan Greets GOP Supporters While Waving Goodbye to the Poor
(what a dichotomy)
On the Heels of the Vetoed AZ Plan: These are Next
Then add this to the GOP Recipe

Update of an update (March 4, 2014):  — I call it the: “The Hits Just Keep on Comin’ ... with this headlines to this story source:  FOX News is providing ample, uncritical airtime to hype Representative Paul Ryan's (R-WI) report on the alleged ineffectiveness of government anti-poverty programs (all the background follows this update), despite condemnation from numerous economists that the report is misleading and inaccurate. 

This update comes from Mother Jones (March 4, 2014) about the latest from the GOP House Budget Committee (Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) Chairman).

Ryan's 204-page .pdf report falls on the heels of the AZ disaster about the GOP effort to legalize discrimination for religious reasons. This report on poverty is a blatant attack on the poor designed to "help them overcome being poor."  I call this another GOP WTF moment. Taken together, these two events by the GOP are about to cook their proverbial goose.

First is this excellent rundown and review on the "Ryan Plan" plan seen in this 11-minute segment.

The comments of the GOP speakers are most-enlightening, in their own words.

Finally, this gem: Ryan is not only a jerk, but a pretty lousy one at that. In this rundown he gets caught with his drawers down and both feet firmly in his big mouth as he argues that federal programs have contributed to the nation’s high poverty rate and “created what’s known as the poverty trap.”

His own report argues wherein he says, “Federal programs are not only failing to address the problem. They are also in some significant respects making it worse” is full of gaping holes as reflected in these 16 examples of how the government he blasts actually can and have helped lower-income Americans make ends meet.

That list is here ... Rep. Paul Ryan should be ashamed of himself, but I doubt he is.

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