Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Chain Migration Cannot Be Allowed Any Part of Legislation on Immigration" — DJT

Melania Trump's parents arrive in the U.S. via AF-1 
(Morristown, NJ - June 30, 2017)

Melania's parents have reportedly become legal permanent residents of the United States (now with green card), but their lawyer won’t comment on whether it was or was not through the so-called “chain migration immigration system which Trump has vowed to end.

The story from Snopes – the fact chasers: “Unproven and unknown” but boy what an interesting story on this critical subject. Reminder: “CHAIN MIGRATION” is a valid legal program and long-standing practice that Trump now hates and wants to do away with. Why does Trump hate the program so much? White House statement: 

But their immigration status remains unclear: not only has the White House refused to comment, but immigration status is not a matter of public record. 

However, the Trump administration has continually referred to the practice of issuing family reunification visas for parents, spouses or children as “chain migration” as a threat to national security despite the strict guidelines on which relatives are eligible, as well as annual caps on the amount of immigrants allowed to enter the country in this manner.

My 2 cents: In this case, the public does without any doubt have a right to know – in fact a compelling right to know.

If anything is true, but as stated this case is “unproven and unknown” one thing however, does stand out if true and that is: Donald J. Trump is a hypocrite and if this case re: his wife’s mother and father is true, then, it stinks even more than ever.

Stay tuned – maybe the truth will come out.

Thanks for stopping by.

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